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9 According to protocol 3001 from SIKB soil samples need to be conserved via a specific container and method.
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13 = Conserving method =
15 For all samples below the following holds. The samples need to be conserved at 1-5 ^^o^^C, airtight and in a dark container.
17 In the following table all possible contaminations are mentioned and a conserving period and container prescription are mentioned. The legend for the table can be found under the table.
19 (% class="table-hover" %)
20 |=Contamination|=Matrix|=Conserving period|=Container
21 |(% rowspan="2" %)Acidity/alkality|Soil|14|P or G
22 |Water sample|14|P or G
23 |(% rowspan="2" %)Bromide|Soil|28|P or G
24 |Water sample|28|P or G
25 |(% rowspan="2" %)Chloridebenzene|Soil|21|P or G
26 |Water sample|21|G, with PTFE lined lid
27 |(% rowspan="2" %)Chloride|Soil|28|P or G
28 |Water sample|28|P or G
29 |(% rowspan="2" %)Chloridephenols|Soil|4|P or G
30 |Water sample|4|P or G
31 |(% rowspan="2" %)Cyanide|Soil|4|G, colored
32 |Water sample|4|P or G
33 |(% rowspan="2" %)Dry substance|Soil|7|P or G
34 |Water sample|7|P or G
35 |(% rowspan="2" %)EOX(((
36 (Extractable Organohalogen Connections)
37 )))|Soil|7|P or G
38 |Water sample|7|P or G
39 |(% rowspan="2" %)Fluoride|Soil|28|P of G (No PTFE)
40 |Water sample|28|P of G (No PTFE)
41 |(% rowspan="2" %)Phosphor|Soil|28|P or G
42 |Water sample|28|P or G
43 |(% rowspan="2" %)Conductivity|Soil|7|P or G
44 |Water sample|1|P or G
45 |(% rowspan="2" %)Kjeldahl-N|Soil|28|P or G
46 |Water sample|7|P or G
47 |(% rowspan="2" %)Lutum|Soil|Onlimited|P or G
48 |Water sample|28|P or G
49 |(% rowspan="2" %)Chrome|Soil|30|P or G
50 |Water sample|2|P or G
51 |(% rowspan="2" %)Mercury not volatile|Soil|4|P or G
52 |Water sample|4|P or G
53 |(% rowspan="2" %)Mercury not volatile|Soil|6 months|P or G
54 |Water sample|28|P or G
55 |(% rowspan="2" %)Metals, mercury not included|Soil|6 monts|P or G
56 |Water sample|28|P or G
57 |(% rowspan="2" %)Mineral oil|Soil|7|P or G
58 |Water sample|28|G
59 |(% rowspan="2" %)Nitrate (NO,,3,,)|Soil|3|P or G
60 |Water sample|7|P or G
61 |(% rowspan="2" %)Organic compound|Soil|28|P or G
62 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
63 |(% rowspan="2" %)Organochloridepesticides (OCB)|Soil|28|P or G
64 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
65 |(% rowspan="2" %)Organophosphorpesticides (OPB)|Soil|7|P or G
66 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
67 |(% rowspan="2" %)Organonitrogenpesticides (ONB)|Soil|7|P or G
68 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
69 |(% rowspan="2" %)o-PO,,4,, (ortho-phosphate)|Soil|7|P or G
70 |Water sample|2|P or G
71 |(% rowspan="2" %)pH on dried material|Soil|3 jaar|P or G
72 |Water sample|3 jaar|P or G
73 |(% rowspan="2" %)pH on direct wet material|Soil|7|P or G
74 |Water sample|1|P or G
75 |(% rowspan="2" %)Polychloridebiphenyls (PCB)|Soil|28|P or G
76 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
77 |(% rowspan="2" %)Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAK)|Soil|14|P or G
78 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
79 |(% rowspan="2" %)SO,,4,, (Sulphate)|Soil|28|P or G
80 |Water sample|28|P or G
81 |(% rowspan="2" %)TOC (totally organic carbon)|Soil|28|P or G
82 |Water sample|28|G, with PTFE lined lid
83 |(% rowspan="2" %)Volatile chloridehydrocarbons (CKW)|Soil|4|G
84 |Water sample|4|G, with PTFE lined lid
85 |(% rowspan="2" %)Volatile monocyclic aromatics|Soil|4|G
86 |Water sample|4|G, with PTFE lined lid
88 == Containers ==
90 P: plastics, in this category are: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
92 G: glass
94 BG: Borosilicate glass
96 RVS: stainless steel
99 = References =
101 * [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]
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108 **Contents**
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