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Last modified by Roelof Zwaan on 2023/07/24 15:58
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... ... @@ -1,110 +1,5 @@ 1 1 == Changes and updates: == 2 2 3 -**26-07-2023** 4 - 5 -(% class="table-hover" %) 6 -|**Labeltext in English**|**Remarks**|**Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.**|((( 7 -**Change/Add/** 8 - 9 -**Delete** 10 -)))|**DB Type 11 -(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)**|**DBTable in dsFieldProject**|**DBFieldname in dsFieldProject** 12 -|Name inspector| |Field where the name of the fieldworker that performed the field inspection can be selected.|Add|String|tblSublocations|SlNameInspector 13 -|Coverage removed?| |Yes/No field to indicate whether or not any vegetation was removed in order to perform a field inspection.|Add|Lookupvalue (73)|tblSublocations|((( 14 -SlCoverageRemoved 15 -))) 16 -|((( 17 -Density (ton/m3) 18 -)))| |Field where the name of the fieldworker that performed the field inspection can be selected.|Add|Float|tblLayers|LaDensity 19 -|pH-value| |Field to enter the measured Ph value of this soil layer. Often used to map out contamination from drug waste.|Add|Float|tblLayers|LaPhValue 20 -|CH4 (ppm)| |The CH4 (methane) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).|Add|Float|tblObservations|METINGCODE 162 21 -|((( 22 -CO (ppm) 23 -)))| |The CO (Carbonmonoxide) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).|Add|Float|tblObservations|METINGCODE 161 24 -|CH4 (ppm) Series value| |The CH4 (methane) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).|Add|Float|tblObservations|METINGCODE 162 25 -|((( 26 -CO (ppm) Series value 27 -)))| |The CO (Carbonmonoxide) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).|Add|Float|tblObservations|METINGCODE 161 28 -|((( 29 -Reference of the Flow-measurement device 30 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|WsDebitReference 31 -|((( 32 -Reference of the explosimeter 33 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 34 -WsExplosimeterReference 35 -))) 36 -|((( 37 -Reference of the barometer 38 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 39 -WsBarometerReference 40 -))) 41 -|((( 42 -Reference of the O2/ Co2 sensor 43 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 44 -WsOxygenSensorReference 45 -))) 46 -|((( 47 -Reference PID-instrument 48 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 49 -WsPIDMeterReference 50 -))) 51 -|((( 52 -Reference of the hygrometer 53 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 54 -WsHygrometerReference 55 -))) 56 -|((( 57 -Reference of the pump 58 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 59 -WsPumpReference 60 -))) 61 -|((( 62 -Drilling fluid used 63 -)))| |If a fluid was used to aid the drilling, that fluid can be specified in this field. Required by Spanish ENAC standards.|Add|Lookupvalue (293)|tblMeasurementPoints|((( 64 -MpDrillingFluid 65 -))) 66 -|((( 67 -Reference PID-instrument 68 -)))| |The referencecode of the used PID-instrument.|Add|String|tblMeasurementPoints|((( 69 -MpPIDReference 70 -))) 71 -|((( 72 -Gravel grain size from (mm) 73 -)))| |The median of the type of gravel that has been used in the finishings of a filtertube.|Add|Float|tblFinishings|((( 74 -FiGravelSizeFrom 75 -))) 76 -|Gravel grain size to (mm)| |The median of the type of gravel that has been used in the finishings of a filtertube.|Add|Float|tblFinishings|((( 77 -FiGravelSizeTo 78 -))) 79 -|((( 80 -Type of rod grease used 81 -)))| |The type of grease used to connect different parts of the filtertubes.|Add|Lookupvalue (295)|tblFilterTubes|((( 82 -FtRodGrease 83 -))) 84 -|((( 85 -Reference of the purging water filter 86 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 87 -WsFilterReference 88 -))) 89 -|((( 90 -Reference of the multi-parameter sensor 91 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 92 -WsMultiParameterSensorReference 93 -))) 94 -|((( 95 -Reference of the waterlevel sensor 96 -)))| |The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.|Add|String|tblWatersamples|((( 97 -WsGroundwaterSensorReference 98 -))) 99 -|((( 100 -n/a 101 -)))| |Technical field for the exchange of field samples (air / water)|Add|GUID|tblWatersamples|WsFieldSampleGuid 102 -|Reason| |Field t indicate the reason for starting the research|Add|Lookupvalue (294)|tblSummaryConclusion|((( 103 -SmReasonCode 104 -))) 105 -| | | | | | | 106 - 107 - 108 108 **05-04-2023** 109 109 110 110 (% class="table-hover" %)