Changes and updates:
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/ Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
HDOP | Precision value for the GPS coordinates. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpHDOP | |
VDOP | Precision value for the GPS coordinates. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpVDOP | |
PDOP | Precision value for the GPS coordinates. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpPDOP | |
Number of satellites used | Field to note the amount of sattelites that where used for the GPS measurement in this measurement point. | Add | Integer | tblMeasurementPoints | MpNumberOfSatellites | |
HRMS | Precision value for the GPS coordinates. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpHRMS | |
VRMS | Precision value for the GPS coordinates. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpVRMS | |
Gps pole height (m) | Field to fill in the height of the GPS pole | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpGPSPoleHeight | |
Antenna height (cm) | Field to fill in the height of the antenna on the GPS machine | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpAntennaHeight | |
Weather conditions | Field to fill in the weather conditions during the drilling process | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MPWeatherConditions | |
Ambient temperature (°C) | Outside temperature during the drilling process | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpAmbientTemperature | |
CO (ppm) | Field to save the measurement of carbon monoxide in the layer | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaCO | |
Oxygen (%) | Field to save the measurement of oxygen in the layer | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaOxygenPercentage | |
H2S (ppm) | Field to save the measurement of hydrogen sulfide in the layer | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaH2S | |
LEL (%) | Field the save the lower explosive level measurement in the layer | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaLEL | |
Inspectie efficiency (%) | The amount of soil in the layer that was able to be inspected properly for the purpose of asbestos research. | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaInspectionEfficiencyPercentage | |
Mixing of soil | Field to denote the amount of mixing in this soil layer | Add | Integer (codelist 291) | tblLayers | LaDegreeOfSoilMixingCode | |
CO (ppm) | Field to save the measurement of carbon monoxide in the air sample | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 161 | |
Jar type | Soil sample ring added to the codelist | Add codelist value |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/ Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Status | This field is for planned measurement points, and can be used to determine the status (to be done, done, removed etc) | Add | Lookup value (codelist 289) | tblMeasurementPoints | MpStatusCode | |
Penetrometer compaction strength (kg/cm2) | This field is a numeric field for field tests to determine the compaction strength of the soil | Add | numberfield | tblMeasurementPoints | MpPenetrometerCompaction | |
Accreditation number | This field can be used to fill in the accreditation number of the fieldworker, which needs to be filled in by walloon customers | Add | text field (30) | tblMeasurementPoints | MpAccreditationNumber | |
Moisture Class Soil | This field is for giving moisture classes in soil, these are present in the NEN 6693 and also used for french research. | Add | Lookup value (codelist 290) | tblLayers | LaMoistureClass | |
Sediment Sump Length (cm) | Field to input the length within the tube that is used as a sand / silt catchment below the filter | Add | numberfield | tblFilterTubes | FtSedimentSumpLength | |
Length / Width | Multi edit turned on in grid vierw | Change | numberfield | tblMeasurementPoints | MpTrialPitLength & MpTrialPitWidth | |
Length / Width | Multi edit turned on in grid vierw | Change | numberfield | tblLayers | LaTrialPitLength & LaTrialPitWidth | |
Initial function | Field to input the function of the filtertube when it was installed | Add | Lookup value (codelist 288) | tblFilterTubes | FtInitialFiltertubeFunction | |
Weather conditions | Remarkable weather conditions can be noted here as part of a location inspection | Add | String | tblSublocations | SlCoverRatePostRemoval | |
Sampling procedure | Field to fill in the used sampling procedure | Add | Lookup value (codelist 287) | tblWatersamples | WsSamplingProcedure | |
Starttime & Endtime sampling | Already existed for airsamples, no as well for watersamples | Change | Datetime | tblWatersamples | WsStartSampleTime & WsPostSampleTime | |
Radioactive ionisation (cps) | Numberfield to input the cps (counts per second) of a meter that reacts to ionisation (like a geiger counter) | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrIonisationCount | |
Sample water content (%) | Percentage field for sample humidity | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrHumidityPercentage | |
Volume weight dry Yd (Kn/M3) | Geotechnical field for the dry weight of the sample, different unit than the other weight sample fields which are more simplistic | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrDryVolumeWeight | |
Liquit limit water content (%) | The liquid limit used within the attenbergs limits | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrLiquidLimit | |
Plasticity index (%) | Geotechnical field for the plasticity index | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrPlasticityIndex | |
Semi-Solid limit (water content %) | The semi-solid limit used within the attenbergs limits | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrSemiSolidLimit | |
Plastic limit (water content %) | The plastic limit used within the attenbergs limits | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrPlasticLimit | |
Undrained shear strength (kPa) | The shear strength of the soil | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrUndrainedShearStrength | |
Void ratio (%) | The ratio of void (air) in the soil | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrVoidRatio | |
Saturation (%) | The percentage of moisture saturation in the soil | Add | numberfield | tblJars | JrSaturationPercentage | |
Soil sampes (several fields) | Multi edit turned on | Change | tblJars | Several | ||
Destination Type | Field for destination type for the OVAM | Add | Lookup value (codelist 49) | tblProjects | PrDestinationType | |
Groundwater vulnerability | Field for groundwater vulnerability for the OVAM | Add | Lookup value (codelist 92) | tblProjects | PrGroundwaterVulnerability | |
Percentage Fractrion >20mm | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | numberfield | tblLayers | LaCourseFractionPercentage | |
Weight fraction >20 mm | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | numberfield | tblLayers | LaCourseFractionWeight | |
Weight fraction <20 mm | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | numberfield | tblLayers | LaFineFractionWeight | |
Type plate material | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | Lookup value (281) | tblLayers | LaPlateMaterialTypeCode | |
Number of pieces plate material | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | numberfield | tbLLayers | LaPlateMaterialPieces | |
Weight plate material (g) | Asbestos fields now als on layer level | Add | numberfield | tblLayers | LaPlateMaterialWeight | |
Special component gradation | Add codelist "A little (bit of)" | Add Codelist value | ||||
Sand sorting codes | Add extra sand and gravel sorting codes | Add Codelist value | ||||
Geological interpretation | All new belgium geological interpretation options added | Add Codelist value | ||||
End prepump citeria | New prepump ending condition added | Add Codelist value | ||||
Finishing Type | Type 'Asfalt' added | Add Codelist value | ||||
Project Type | New French Project types added | Add Codelist value | ||||
Colour Type | Colour 'Pink' added | Add Codelist value | ||||
Use of location | Additional location uses added | Add Codelist value |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/ Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Special or invasive vegetation(1, 2, 3) | Field to note invasive species found on the release location. New codelist with species from the dutch invasive species list added. | Add | Lookup value (codelist 285) | tblSublocations | SlSpecialVegetationCode | |
Sieved material inspection hole | Field to note the total amount of sieved material at the measurementpoint level of an asbestos inspection hole | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpSievedMaterial | |
Water depth (cm-gl) | Field to describe the column of water above the waterbed, if chosen not to add a water layer as the first layer. | Add | Float | tblMeasurementPoints | MpWaterDepth | |
Special component in layer (mass%) | Can be used to note the total mass % of foreign (non-soil) material in a layer. | Add | Float | tblLayers | LaSpecialComponentPercent | |
Suspected Asbestos pollution | Field by which a fieldworker can remark if a layer is suspect of containing asbestos | Add | Lookup value (codelist 73) | tblLayers | LaSuspectedAsbestosCode | |
Measurement point type | New codelist options added | Canister, Ambient air measurement added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 24) | tblMeasurementpoints | MpTypeCode |
Reference plane | New codelist options added | Sea level added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 15) | tblMeasurementpoints | MpReferencePointTypeCode |
Finishing Type | New codelist options added | Surface box plasic, Surface box stainless steel added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 32) | tblFinishings | FiTypeCode |
Horizon | New codelist options added | Unit R0, Unit R1, Unit R2 added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 109) | tblLayers | LaHorizonCode |
Soil / Rock Type | New codelist options added | Granodiorite added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 163 and 35) | tblLayers | LaRockTypeCode |
Special component type | New codelist options added | Construction and demolition waste, Calcium nodules, calcium crusts, Stones >50MM added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 11) | tblLayers | LaSc1TypeCode |
Drilling System | New codelist options added | Tubed edelman, tubed pulse drill, tubed percussion gouge added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 23) | tblLayers | LaDrillingSystemTypeCode |
Clarity | New codelist options added | None, Low, medium, high clarity codes added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 252) | tblWatersamples | LaClarityCode |
Stop prepumping | New codelist options added | 1x volume of drilling well + parameters stabilisation added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 200) | tblWatersamples | WsPrepumpingEndedTypeCode |
Sampling method | New codelist options added | multi support active sampling | Change | Lookup value (codelist 259) | tblWatersamples | WsSamplingMethodCode |
Placed in serie | New codelist options added | New codelist: Unique, in paralel, in series added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 284) | WsPackagings | BoPlacedInSerie |
Air sample Type | New codelist options added | Impregnated filter added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 272) | WsPackagings | BoSampleTypeCode |
Field matrix | New codelist options added | Waterbed (solid part) added | Change | Lookup value (codelist 6) | WsAnalysisSamples | MatrixTypeCode |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/ Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Use of location | To add the current use of the location to a measurement point | Add | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoints | MpLocationUsageCode | |
Type | New codelist optios added | - | Change | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoint | MpType |
Interior location | Yes / no field for if the sample is an interior location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoints | MpIsIndoorsCode | |
FlowTypesSurfaceWater | Describes the flowing pattern of the surface water sampling location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 148 | |
Location flow rate | The flow rate of the sampling location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 149 | |
Special conditions | Remark field for special sampling conditions to print in report | Add | String | tblWatersamples | JrStreamlineGUID | |
Pump type | Codelist used for several fields | New options added to codelist | Change | Lookupvalue | Multiple fields | Multiple fields |
Pump connection | Field for the power connection of a pump | Add | LookupValue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 150 | |
Matrix | Added codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblWatersamples | WsMatrix | |
Mesh size (mm) | Field for the mesh size of a monitoring well filter | Add | Float | tblFiltertubes | FtMeshSize | |
Type | Project level | New codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblProjects | PrType |
Type | Finishing level | New codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblFinishings | FiType |
Measurement duration | Field for the duration of a series of a measurements, mostly used to estimate the time when a tube is dry | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 154 (Series), METINGCODE 153 (Stable value) | |
Pumped volume series | Field for the total pumped volume during a single series | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 152 (Series), METINGCODE 151 (Stable value) |
Screen to add the extra field | Labeltext of field in English | Labeltext in Dutch | Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report. | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Codelist CategoryID | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Soil samples | Length core sampler | Lengte steekbuis (mm) | Length core sampler (mm) | The length of a core sampler may vary and defines volume | Add | Integer | tblJars | JrLengthCoreSampler | |
Measurement Point | Diameter | Diameter (mm) | Diameter (mm) | Information is available on layer level, but may sometimes be consistent over the entire measurement point | Add | Integer | tblMeasurementPoints | MpDiameter | |
Air Samples packaging | Placed in serie | In serie geplaatst | Yes/no | Two packages for air samples can be placed in serie or not | Add | Lookupvalue (Yes/No) | tblBottles | BoPlacedInSerie | |
Water samples | Surrounding humidity | Omgevingsvochtigheid | Licht vochtig, Zeer vochtig, Vochtig op bodem, Vochtig op plaatsen | The circumstances when sampling | Add | Codelist |
| Metingcode: 147 / WsSurroundingHumidity |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblProjects | PrStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblMeasurementPoint | MpStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblWaterSample | WsStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblFiltertubes | FtStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblLayers | LaStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblJars | JrStreamlineGUID |
PackagingStreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblJars | JrPackagingStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblFinishings | FiStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblBottles | BoStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblLocations | LcStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblSublocations | SlStreamlineGUID |
Screen to add the extra field | Labeltext in English | Labeltext in Dutch | Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report. | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Measurement Points Details | Sample Moisture | Monstervochtigheid | Dried out | Explains humidity condition of measurment point | Add Field | string (10) | tblMeasurementPoint | MpSampleHumidityCode |
Air sample details | Special conditions | Bijzondere omstandigheden | Normal, used standard protocol | Description of deviation from protocol | Add Field | string (2000) | tblWaterSample | WsSpecialConditions |
Air sample details | Field conditions | Maaiveld omstandigheden | Damp, easy to drill | Description of field/location at time of sampling | Add Field | string (2000) | tblWaterSample | WsFieldConditions |
Air sample details | Calibration - O2 | Kalibratie Zuurstof (%) | 25% | Filled in when performing the leaking test before prepumping | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 136 / WsCalibrationO2 |
Air sample details | Calibration - CO2 | Kalibratie koolstofdioxine/CO2 (ppm) | 25ppm | Filled in when performing the leaking test before prepumping | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 137 / WsCalibrationCO2 |
Air sample details | Start-sampling time | Tijdstip start bemonstering | 11:30:00 | Time when the actual sampling has started | Add Field | datetime | tblWaterSample | WsStartSampleTime |
Air sample details | Post-sampling time | Tijdstip einde monstername | 11:30:00 | Add Field | datetime | tblWaterSample | WsPostSampleTime | |
Air sample details | Post- sampling O2 | Zuurstof einde monstername | 25% | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 140 / WsPostSampleO2 | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling CO2 | Koolstofdioxine/CO2 einde monstername (ppm) | 25ppm | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 141 / WsPostSampleCO2 | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling air flow rate | Debiet einde monstername | 0,3l/min | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 142 / WsPostSampleFlowRate | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling PID | PID einde monstername | 25ppm | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 143 / WsPostSamplePID | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling temperature | Temperatuur einde monstername | 25C | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 144 / WsPostSampleTemperature | |
Air sample details | Post sampling air humidity | Vochtigheid einde monstername | 25% | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 145 / WsPostSampleHumidity | |
Air sample details | Post sampling air pressure | Luchtdruk einde monstername | 25hPa | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 146 / WsPostSamplePressure | |
Air samples Packaging | Sample type | Monstertype | regular sample/transport blind/environment blind | To select the type of support used in the sampling process | Add Field | lookupvalue | tblBottles | BoSampleTypeCode |
Air samples Packaging | Reference number | Referentienummer | 088D235D123 | As secundary to barcode. Supports have both a barcode and a reference | Add Field | string (10) | tblBottles | BoReferenceNumber |