This week we have been working on the Borelogs, DOV Export, and Sub-locations in the app.


  • The problem of multiple commas appearing in the BZBs and missing commas in the soil type text has been fixed.
  • The bug that only the BOPB of the first monitoring well was displayed when this label was used has been fixed.
  • Two measurement point labels have been added to the borehole profile settings:
    • Ambient air temperature
    • Weather conditions

DOV Export:

  • The Informal stratigraphy element is no longer created empty if a lithographic stratigraphy can be created.
  • The altitude is now rounded to 2 decimal places.

Next steps for DOV include supporting altitude and coordinate precision as a field in TerraIndex and including them in the export.

Sub-locations in the app:

It has been possible to fill in Sub-locations in TerraIndex web for some time now, but recently this can also be done in the app. Starting from version 1.49.0. For now, this is only available in the Windows app. The iOS app will follow.


Created by Roelof Zwaan on 2023/05/12 09:23
Translated into en by Roelof Zwaan on 2023/05/12 09:25