Week 1 - 10
Version 8.2 by Roelof Zwaan on 2023/03/10 11:03
- A certain order of actions and operations in the table view could result in a double unique identifier voor measurement objects, layers and samples
- If there were no labassignments in the 'all labassignments' table view, the table would show an infinite load
- In the groundwater / surface water table views, the field 'Oxygen mg/L' was not visible
- There were incorrect label translations for the length and width fields on layer level.
- Several small issues when creating new users have been fixed.
- Sometimes duplicate news items were visible in the news widget
- The multi-delete sometimes would not work correclty
- Map functionality not zooming to the searched location
- Verification tool was not working
- When navigating to the export functionality from within the fieldwork app, the user would be shown a white screen
- The borelogs in web functionality was only available in dutch
- Under certain circumstances coordinates could be removed
- Recalculate mg/tube analysis results to mg/m3 analysis results
- Additional component codes for lab results
- New barcode scanner in de iOS app
- Add "Eis voorzorgsmaatregel" to KLIC files
- Add appurtenances to KLIC files
- Change the way KLIC map layers are named
- SIKB 14.7 export
- Turn feautures for KLIC files on and of so you only see the cables you want to see
- Expanding groups for map layers in the app
- Being able to delete coördinates for measurementpoints
- Saving changes in the table view of TerraIndex when tabbing to the next row
- Show Borelogs in TerraIndex Web
- Exchange leaching results with SGS and AgroLab
- Add field picker to measurementpoint select table in the table view
- Add column MPNumeric to the measurementpoint table
- Remember selected measurementpoint between table overviews
- Add new table overview with all labassignments for you company
- Add field state to labassignment table
- RQT report for Belgium customers
- Additional column for Vlarebo report
- Update PFAS component order and description for Belgium customers
- Fieldwork report for French customers
- New Walloon "grondverzet" assessment
- New Vlarema 2.3.2A and 2.3.2B assessments for Belgium