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Last modified by Roelof Zwaan on 2023/03/13 14:37
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... ... @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 1 -Bugfixes 1 +**Bugfixes** 2 2 3 3 1. A certain order of actions and operations in the table view could result in a double unique identifier voor measurement objects, layers and samples 4 -1. If there were no labassignments in the 'all labassignments' table view, the table would show an infinite load 5 -1. In the groundwater / surface water table views, the field 'Oxygen mg/L' was not visible 4 +1. If there were no labassignments made in your terraindex environment, and a user entered the 'all labassignments' table view, the table would show an infinite load. 5 +1. In the groundwater / surface water table views, the field 'Oxygen mg/L' was not visible. 6 6 1. There were incorrect label translations for the length and width fields on layer level. 7 7 1. Several small issues when creating new users have been fixed. 8 8 1. Sometimes duplicate news items were visible in the news widget 9 -1. The multi-delete sometimes would not work correc lty9 +1. The multi-delete sometimes would not work correctly 10 10 1. Map functionality not zooming to the searched location 11 11 1. Verification tool was not working 12 12 1. When navigating to the export functionality from within the fieldwork app, the user would be shown a white screen ... ... @@ -13,34 +13,45 @@ 13 13 1. The borelogs in web functionality was only available in dutch 14 14 1. Under certain circumstances coordinates could be removed 15 15 16 -F EATURES16 +**Features** 17 17 18 -* Recalculate mg/tube analysis results to mg/m3 analysis results 19 -* Additional component codes for lab results 20 -* New barcode scanner in de iOS app 21 -* Add "Eis voorzorgsmaatregel" to KLIC files 22 -* Add appurtenances to KLIC files 23 -* Change the way KLIC map layers are named 24 -* SIKB 14.7 export 25 -* Turn feautures for KLIC files on and of so you only see the cables you want to see 26 -* Expanding groups for map layers in the app 27 -* Being able to delete coördinates for measurementpoints 28 -* Saving changes in the table view of TerraIndex when tabbing to the next row 29 -* Show Borelogs in TerraIndex Web 30 -* Exchange leaching results with SGS and AgroLab 31 -* Add field picker to measurementpoint select table in the table view 32 -* Add column MPNumeric to the measurementpoint table 33 -* Remember selected measurementpoint between table overviews 34 -* Add new table overview with all labassignments for you company 35 -* Add field state to labassignment table 18 +**Analysis Results** 36 36 37 -REPORTS 20 +1. For air sample analysis results in the unit µq/tube a mg/m3 value can be calculated based on the sampled volume of that sample 21 +1. Leaching results can be exchanged with SGS and Agrolab and will be visible in terraindex 22 +1. Additional component codes for lab results have been added 38 38 39 -* RQT report for Belgium customers 40 -* Additional column for Vlarebo report 41 -* Update PFAS component order and description for Belgium customers 42 -* Fieldwork report for French customers 43 -* New Walloon "grondverzet" assessment 44 -* New Vlarema 2.3.2A and 2.3.2B assessments for Belgium 24 +**Map Functionality** 45 45 26 +1. The 'Eis voorzorgsmaatregel' element has been added to the KLIC converter 27 +1. Appurtenances have been added to the KLIC converter 28 +1. KLIC elements are now split on multiple map layers so they can be individually set to visible or turned off 29 +1. Groups for map layers have been expanded. 30 + 31 +**General terraindex improvements** 32 + 33 +1. It is now possible to delete coordinates for measurement points 34 +1. Borelogs are now visible in web (without making a report) by clicking the borelog icon on the right of the measurement object overview 35 +1. When tabbing to a next row in the table view changes will be saved 36 +1. The measurement point table now also has a field table like the other table views 37 +1. The column 'MPNumeric' has been added to the measurement point table view, which shows just the numeric values in a name 38 +1. The selected measurement point will now be remembered when switching between table views 39 +1. A new table view has been created with shows all lab assignments that have been made within your terraindex environment 40 +1. A new field (state) has been added to the labassignment table (both the project labassignments and the all labassignments table). 41 + 42 +**Exports** 43 + 44 +1. SIKB 14.7 Export has been created under the exports options 45 +1. The mistral 8.7 export has been expanded with additional PFAS components 46 + 47 + 48 +**Reports** 49 + 50 +* RQT report for Belgium customers has been updated in French. The numeric values will now show without a tab so that the results can be easily imported in the official RQT macro excel 51 +* An additional column to the vlarebo report has been added with the name of the measurement object that the sample originates from. 52 +* The PFAS components have been reordered and renamed for belgium customers in accordance with the CMA lists for PFAS. (Has this not been implemented on your environment? Contact us at 53 +* A fieldwork report for French customers has been created (tableaux d'ouvrage) which contains several tables with fieldwork information 54 +* New Walloon "soil displacement" assessment has been created 55 +* New Vlarema 2.3.2A and 2.3.2B assessments for Belgium have been created 56 + 46 46