This subject gives an overview about the determined parameters or characteristics of a researched interval of soil within geotechnical research


This subject gives an overview about the determined parameters or characteristics of a researched interval of soil. This object is most of the times given to prepare the lab for the already found parameters or to test a theory in the field. The list of this object is expandable but the subject that at least should be present are listed below with a short description.

Basic parameter

In this case only one or more basic parameters were determined. These parameters are the water content, the organic matter content, the lime content, the density and the density of the mass of solids. An interval with a length of 2 cm is sufficient for this determination. The sample quality does not impose any restrictions. Only when the volumetric mass is determined, the required sample quality is equal to QM1, QM2 or QM3.


In this case the consistency limits were determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the shear stress curve, the grain size distribution and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the organic matter content, the lime content and the volumetric mass. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. The sample quality does not impose any restrictions.

Consistency and grain distribution

In this case the consistency limits and the grain size distribution were determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the shear stress curve and the permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the organic matter content, the lime content and the volumetric mass. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. The sample quality does not impose any restrictions.

Grain size distribution

In this case the grain size distribution is determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the shear stress curve, the consistency limits and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the organic mater content, the lime content, the volumetric mass and the volumetric mass of solids have been determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. The sample quality does not impose any restrictions. At the point where the volumetric mass is determined the quality of the sample is equal to QM1, QM2 or QM3.

Shear stress and soil load

In this case the shear stress gradient with applied load is determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the consistency limits, the grain size distribution and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters for an undisturbed drill sample are determined: the water content and the volumetric mass. With non-cohesive soil the volumetric mass of solids can be determined. In the case of a made sample there can be chosen to determine the before mentioned basic parameters. This also includes the organic matter content and the lime content. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 7 cm and then the sample must actually be so wide that sufficient material is remained to determine its water content. If the remaining material is too less then the interval is extended to at least 10 cm. In other words: the water content is determined based on the trimmings. If a ready made sample is used it needs to be at least 15 cm in length. The required sample quality of this method needs to be equal to QM1, QM2, or QM3 for an undisturbed drill sample. In the case of a ready made sample, the sample quality does not impose any limitations.

Shear stress and soil load plus

In this case the shear stress gradient with applied load is determined. A part from this the consistency limits are also determined, but only for a cohesive soil. In the case of a non-cohesive soil, the grain size distribution is determined. In an highly exceptional case the consistency limits and the grain size distribution are determined. The deposition properties, the shear strength and the water permeability were not determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content. One of the basic parameters, the water content is always determined. The volumetric mass of a non-disturbed drilling sample is also always determined determined. In case of a ready made sample the volumetric mass can be determined. Moreover the volumetric mass of parts may have been determined for non-cohesive soils. If necessary the organic matter content and the lime content may be determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 7 cm and the sample must actually be so wide that sufficient material is left to determine its water content. If there is not enough material left, the interval is extended to at least 10 cm. In other words: the water content is determined based on the trimmings. If the sample is ready made then an interval with a minimum length of 15 cm is required. The required sample quality of this method needs to be equal to QM1, QM2 or QM3 for an undisturbed drill sample. In the case of a ready made sample, the sample quality does not impose any limitations.

Shear stress and horizontal deformation

In this case the shear stress gradient under horizontal deformation is determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the consistency limits, the grain size distribution and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters for non-disturbed drill samples were determined: the water content and the volumetric mass. With a ready made sample earlier mentioned basic parameters can be determined. If necessary the volumetric mass of the mass of soils and the lime content have been determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 2 cm and the sample must actually be wide enough to leave sufficient material to determine its water content. If there is not enough material left, the interval is extended to at least 5 cm. In other words: the water content is determined based on the trimmings. It a sample is made then an interval with a minimum length of 15 cm is required. The required sample quality of this method is QM1, QM2 or QM3 for a non-disturbed drill sample. In the case of a ready made sample, the sample quality does not impose any limitations.

Shear stress and horizontal deformation plus

In this case the shear stress gradient under horizontal deformation and the consistency limits are determined. With a ready made sample the grain size distribution can be determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength and the permeability have not been determined. In this method the water content is always determined. The volumetric mass of an undisturbed drill sample and ready made sample can be determined. If necessary the volumetric mass of solid mass and the lime content can be determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. If the sample is ready made then an interval with a minimum length of 15 cm is required. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3 for an undisturbed drill sample. In the case of a ready made sample, the sample quality does not impose any limitations.

Shear strength

In this case the undrained shear strength is determined. The deposition properties, the shear stress gradient, the consistency limits, the grain size distribution and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the organic matter content and the lime content. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3.

Shear strength plus

In this case the undrained shear strength is determined, moreover the consistency limits or the grain size distribution is also determined. An exceptional case exist in which are both determined. The deposition properties, the shear stress gradient and the permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the organic matter content, the lime content and the volumetric mass. The last three can ben determined, but it is not obliged. When the grain size distribution is determined, the volumetric mass of soil mass can be determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 5 cm. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3.


In this case the permeability was determined. The deposition properties, the undrained shear strength, the shear stress gradient, the consistency limits and the grain size distribution have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content and the density for cohesive soils. In the case of a non-cohesive soils they could be determined. The volumetric mass of soil mass, the organic matter content and the lime content also could be determined not depending on the cohesiveness of the soil. This method requires for cohesive soils an interval with a minimum length of 2 cm and then the sample must actually be so wide that sufficient material is left to determine its water content. If there is not enough material the interval is extended to at least 5 cm. In other words: the water content is determined based on the trimmings of the soil. For non-cohesive soils an interval with a minimum length of 10 cm is required. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3 for cohesive soils and for non-cohesive soils the sample quality does not impose any restrictions.

Permeability plus

In this case the permeability and the grain size distribution are determined. The deposition properties, the shear strength and the shear stress gradient and the consistency limits are not determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content, the volumetric mass, the volumetric mass of soil mass, the organic matter content and the lime content. The last three mentioned parameters are not obliged to be determined. This method requires an interval with a minimum length of 10 cm. The sample quality does not impose any restrictions.

Deposition properties

In this case the deposition properties are determined. The undrained shear strength, the shear stress gradient, the consistency limits, the grain size distribution and the water permeability have not been determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content and the volumetric mass. The organic matter content, the lime content and the volumetric mass of solid mass may have been determined. This method requires an interval with a length of 2 to 6 cm (height of ring) and then the sample must actually be so wide that sufficient material remains to determine its water content. If there is not enough material present there are two possibilities. It is preferable to determine the water content on the same material and this is done by drying the tested material and calculating the water content, this is called retrospectively. The second option is to extend the interval by a few cm, the water content is then determined from trimmings of the soil sample. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3.

Deposition permeability

In this case the deposition properties and the permeability (falling head test) are determined. The undrained shear strength, the shear stress gradient, the consistency limits and the grain size distribution are not determined. In this method the following basic parameters are determined: the water content and the volumetric mass. The organic matter content, the lime content and the volumetric mass of solid mass may have been determined. This method requires an interval with a length of 2 to 6 cm (height of ring) and then the sample must actually be so wide that sufficient material remains to determine its water content. If there is not enough material present there are two possibilities. It is preferable to determine the water content on the same material and this is done by drying the tested material and calculating the water content, this is called retrospectively. The second option is to extend the interval by a few cm, the water content is then determined from trimmings of the soil sample. The required sample quality is QM1, QM2 or QM3.

Determination of the shear force

PP very small

The determination diameter of the Very Small Pocket Penetrometer or VSPP, a pocket penetrometer with very small tip (3.2 mm).

PP small

The determination diameter of the Small Pocket Penetrometer or SPP, a pocket penetrometer with a small tip(4.5 mm).

PP standard

The determination diameter of the Pocket Penetrometer or PP, a pocket penetrometer without a tip(6.3 mm).

PP medium big

The determination diameter of the Medium Pocket Penetrometer or MPP, a pocket penetrometer with a medium-sized tip (8.5 mm).

PP big

The determination diameter of the Large Pocket Penetrometer or LPP, a pocket penetrometer with large tip (25.4 mm).

TV small

The determination diameter of the Small Torvane or STV, a handvane with small tip (19.0 mm).

TV standard

The determination diameter of the Torvane or TV, a handvane without tip (25.4 mm).

TV big

The determination diameter of the Large Torvane or LTV a handvane with large tip (47.8 mm).

Determination method of parameters

Load on consolidated and drained soil

Method to determine the gradient of the shear stress in soil as a result of deformation under load by performing the triaxial test. During a certain time the consolidated specimen is pressed together with a constant speed and the the specimen is free to deform in the horizontal direction. The shear stress gradient is determined in the drained condition.

Load on consolidated and undrained soil

Method to determine the gradient of the shear stress in soil as a result of deformation under load by performing the triaxial test. During a certain time the consolidated specimen is pressed together with a constant speed and the the specimen is free to deform in the horizontal direction. The shear stress gradient is determined in the undrained condition.

Load on unconsolidated and undrained soil

Method to determine the gradient of the shear stress in soil as a result of deformation under load by performing the triaxial test. During a certain time the specimen is pressed together with a constant speed and the the specimen is free to deform in the horizontal direction. The shear stress gradient is determined in the undrained condition.

Calculating amount of water

Method to determine the amount of water. The amount of water in the material has changed due to the extrusion of water beforehand. The material is then dried in an oven, causing the water to evaporate. From the loss of mass resulting from the evaporation and the amount of quantity of water squeezed out, the water content is calculated.

Casagrande method

Method to determine the consistency limits. The yield strength is determined using the Casagrande method. A container is filled with the material and a straight groove cutter cuts the material into a groove. In sandy soils a  crooked groove knife may be used first. Then the tray is dropped a number of times from a height of 10 mm on to a rubber block until 10 mm of the length of the the groove is filled. It is counted how many times the tray has fallen and the water content is determined in the standard way by drying. This is repeated a number of times with an increasing water content and from this progress the flow limit is derived. The yield strength is determined by taking six rods of the material with a diameter of 3 mm and rolling them back and forth until the they disintegrate. The material of three rolled rods together is used to determine the water content. The average of the two determinations of the water content is the roll-out limit.

Constant head test

Method to determine the permeability of a saturated soil. A hydraulic gradient is created between the top and the bottom and this is kept constant during the test. Once the flow rate no longer changes, the measurement is taken. The saturated permeability is calculated with Darcy's law.

Dry in oven

Method to determine the amount of water. The material is being dried in an oven to evaporate the water. The amount of water is calculated based on the amount of weight loss.

Dry sieving

Method to determine the grain size distribution. To determine the distribution of the fraction larger than 63 µm, dry sieving is used. This method is used when it is assumed that there is no fraction smaller than 63 µm is present.

Falling head test

Method to determine the permeability of saturated soil. The sample is placed under a certain pressure in the set-up and saturated from below. An hydraulic gradient is established between the top of the specimen and the bottom and it decreases during the test. The time it takes for a given volume of water to flow through the sample is measured. The saturated permeability is calculated using Darcy's law.

Trimmed volume measuring

Method to determine the volumetric mass. The density is determined from a completely smoothed test piece. The dimensions are accurately measured and the mass is determined with a balance.


Method to determine the undrained shear strength. The hand fin is pressed into the sample and rotated by hand at constant speed until the material collapses and that point is the point at which the fin overshoots.

Direct simple shear test

Method to determine the gradient of the shear stress in the soil as a result of horizontal deformation under pressure. This is determined by performing the direct simple shear (DDS) test. For a certain period of time, the top and bottom of the specimen are pulled apart and the shear stress in the specimen is determined. During the determination the test piece is kept at the same height.

Wet dry sieving

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 63 µm sieve. The distribution of grains larger than 63 µm was determined by means of dry sieve.

Wet dry sieving with hydrometer

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 63 µm sieve. The distribution of the grains smaller than 63 µm was determined with a hydrometer. The distribution of grains greater than 63 µm was determined by means of dry sieving.

Wet dry sieving with laser

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 2 mm sieve. The distribution of the grains smaller than 2 mm was determined by means of laser diffraction. The distribution of the grains larger than 2 mm is determined by means of dry sieving.

Wet dry sieving with pipette

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 63 µm sieve. The distribution of grains smaller than 63 µm are determined by means of pipetting. The distribution of grains larger than 63 µm is determined by means of dry sieving.

Wet dry sieving with röntgen

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 63 µm sieve. The distribution of grains smaller than 63 µm are determined by means of röntgen. The distribution of grains larger than 63 µm is determined by means of dry sieving.

Wet oxidating

Method to determine the organic matter content. The organic matter is removed with H2O2 (30%). From the mass loss, the content is calculated.

Wet sieving

Method to determine the grain size distribution. The wet material was sieved over the 63 µm sieve.

Untrimmed volume measuring

Method to determine the volumetric mass. The density is determined while the material is still in the sample container. This is done in the field, so the mass and contents of the container are known. The dimensions of the part filled with material are measured as well as possible. The mass of the container with sample is determined with the use of an tensioner gage.


Method to determine the lime content. The carbonated lime is removed with HCl (0.1 M). From the mass loss, the content is calculated.

Gas filled pycnometer

Method to determine the volumetric mass of solids. The density of the solid parts is determined with a gas-filled pycnometer. The mass is determined with a balance and the volume is calculated form the pressure difference in the pycnometer (based on Boyle Gay-Lussac's law).

Liquid filled pycnometer

Method to determine the volumetric mass of solids. The density of the solid parts is determined with a liquid-filled pycnometer. The mass is determined with a balance. The volume is calculated form the difference in volume of the liquid in the pycnometer.

Pressing test focused on pressure

Method to determine the settling of soil by performing the compression test. This test consists of a number of steps where during a certain time a certain pressure is exerted on a test piece for a period of time and the speed of the changing height of the specimen is measured.

Pressing test focused on speed

Method to determine the tension in the soil as a result of settlement by performing the constant rate of strain (CSR) test. The test has a number of steps in which a specimen is imposed on a test piece for a given period of time when monitoring the time and rate of deformation. The change in stress in the specimen is measured.

Falling cone test

Method to determine the consistency limits. The yield strength is determined with the use of a drop cone. A container is filled with the material and the drop cone is placed on the material. The tip of the cone touches the surface in this setup. Then the cone is released for approximately 5 seconds. The penetration depth of the cone is measured and the water content is measured by means of the standard way via drying. This is repeated a number of times with an increasing water content and the yield strength is determined from the progression.

The roll-out limit is determined by taking six rods of the material with a diameter of 3 mm and rolling them back and forth until they disintegrate. From the material of the three rolled rods together, the water content is determined. The average of the two determinations of the water content is the roll-out limit.

Heating 500

Method to determine the organic matter content. The material is heated to 500 °C, which burns the organic matter. From the mass loss, the content is calculated.

Heating 900

Method to determine the lime content. The material is heated from 500 to 900 °C, which converts the carbonic lime into calcium oxide. From the mass loss, the content is calculated.

Predetermined volume method

Method to determine the volumetric mass. Material from the sample is collected via sticking out with a ring and then made completely fit. Mass and volume of the cutting ring are very accurately known. The mass of the full pitch ring is determined with a balance.

Pocket penetrometer

Method to determine the undrained shear strength. The pocket penetrometer is pushed by hand with an uniform increasing force up till 5 mm into the material. From the compression force, the shear stress is calculated.

Methods for determination of the soil parameters


ASTM-D4186 version 2012, editorial corrected in 2014 (e1) Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Saturated Cohesive Soils Using Controlled-Strain Loading describes the procedure for determining the settlement process by means of rate-controlled compression, the Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) test. An American standard used in the Netherlands.


ASTM-D6528 Version 2017 Standard test method for consolidated undrained direct simple shear testing of cohesive soils describes the procedure for the determination of the shear stress gradient under horizontal deformation with the Direct Simple Shear (DSS). An American standard used in the Netherlands.


NEN-ISO 13320:2009 Analyse van de deeltjesgrootteverdeling - Methoden met laserdiffractie describes the procedure for determining the particle size distribution by laser diffraction. An international standard accepted by Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 14688-2:2019 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Identificatie en classificatie van grond - Deel 2:Grondslagen voor een classificatie. A norm established by the NEN for the Netherlands for the classification of unpaved soil samples for the for geotechnical engineering based on the ISO standard. The elaboration of the determination of the undrained shear strength, the organic content and the lime content are included in the Dutch annex.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-1:2014 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 1: Bepaling van het watergehalte describes the procedure for determining the water content by drying. A international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-2:2014 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 2: Bepaling van de dichtheid van fijn korrelige grond describes the procedure for the determination of the volumetric mass. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-3:2016 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 3: Bepaling van de dichtheid van gronddeeltjes describes the procedure for determining the density of the solids with the gas and liquid pycnometer. An international standard accepted by Europe and Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-4:2016 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 4: Bepaling van de korrelgrootte verdeling describes the procedure for determining of the particle-size distribution of fractions by wet sieving over the 63µm sieve, dry sieving for fractions greater than 63 µm and for fractions less than 63 µm with the hydrometer and the pipette method. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-4:2016 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 4: Bepaling van de korrelgrootte verdeling describes the procedure for determining of the particle-size distribution of fractions by wet sieving over the 63µm sieve and dry sieving for fractions larger than 63µm. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.

NEN-ISO 13317-3:2001 Bepaling van de deeltjesgrootteverdeling met zwaartekracht-sedimentatiemethoden in vloeistof – Deel 3: Zwaartekrachttechniek met röntgenstraling describes the procedure for determining the distribution of fractions smaller than 63 µm by means of X-rays. A international standard accepted by Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-5:2017 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 5: Eéndimensionale samendrukkingsproef describes the procedure for determining the settlement process by means of stepwise compression, the compression test. An international standard accepted by Europe and Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-8:2018 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 8: Ongeconsolideerde, ongedraineerde triaxiaal proef describes the procedure for determining the shear stress shear stress course with the triaxial test. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-9:2018 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 9: Geconsolideerde triaxiaal proeven op waterverzadigde grond describes the procedure for determining the shear stress gradient with the triaxial test. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-11:2019: Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 11. Beproeven van de doorlatendheid describes the procedure for determining permeability. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


NEN-EN-ISO 17892-12 Geotechnisch onderzoek en beproeving - Beproeving van grond in het laboratorium - Deel 12: Bepaling van de Atterbergse grenzen describes the procedure for determining the consistency limits, the yield strength, using the drop cone method or according to the Casagrande method and the roll-out limit by means of rolling a clay rod. An international standard accepted by Europe and the Netherlands.


  • BRO-Catalogus Geotechnisch booronderzoek versie 1.99 – 25 maart 2020