Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/05/06 14:45
- Agglomerate
- Amount of calcium
- Andesite
- Anhydrite
- Argillite
- Asbestos
- Asbestos layer details
- Auger drill
- Basalt
- Boulders
- Breccia
- Calciumcarbonate content
- Chalk marl
- Clay
- Claystone
- Coal
- Color
- Conglomerates
- Conserving method
- Consistency
- Counterflush drilling
- Description of soil
- Determined parameters
- Detritus
- Devices for sticking or coring
- Diorite
- Dolerite
- Dolomite
- Dredge
- Dregde
- Dy
- Exogenic processes
- Finishing types
- Flint
- Gabbro
- Geological interpretation
- Geotechnical research
- Glauconite sand(stone)
- Gneiss
- Gouge
- Granite
- Gravel
- Greywacke
- Gypsum
- Gyttja
- Halite
- Hand drill
- Hornfels
- Humu
- Humus
- Iron sandstone
- Jostling drilling techniques
- Lamination
- Large boulders
- Layering
- Limestone
- Loam
- Lumachelle
- Marble
- Marl
- Micro-diorite
- Microgranite
- Mudstone
- new formation
- Obsidian
- Odor
- Oil/water reaction
- Pebbles
- Pelite
- Percussion gouge
- PetroFLAG analyzer
- Phyllite
- Piston drill
- Pollution groups
- Pulse tool
- Quartzite
- Reverse circulation drilling (suction drill)
- Rhyolite
- Sample humidity
- Sample quality class
- Sample techniques
- Sample/drilling techniques
- Sampling humidity
- Sampling methods
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Schist
- Silt
- Siltite
- Siltstone
- Slate
- Soil boundaries
- Soil consistency
- Soil horizons
- Soil interpretation
- Soil usage
- Sorting
- Special components
- Spot gradation
- Spray drilling
- Straightflush drilling
- Tensile strength
- Travertine
- Tubed pulse drilling
- Tuff
- Volcanic glass/Obsidian
- Wood