A labassignment for a customer to the Laboratory

This chapter contains a detailed explanation of the structure of an Electronic lab assignment that a user can create with TerraIndex and send to your lab.

More information about SIKB0101 can be found here: https://www.sikb.nl/datastandaarden/sikb0101-bodembeheer 

What is a lab assignment file?

A Lab assignment file that contains all the information for the lab assignment. This file will be transported in the API call CreateOrder. The lab can read this file, and create an order within the LIMS system, containing all samples, barcodes and requested Analysis.

Example fileslabassignment.xml TI_Example_LO_ANL038464_1066_546-v2.xml

XSD: Ask or SIKB Members can download from: https://www.sikb.nl/datastandaarden/richtlijnen/sikb0101

Controle XSLTLabAssignment_Controle.xsl  

Domaintable filesimmetingen lookup v14.8.0.xml   imsikb0101 lookup v14.8.0.xml
extracted from: https://codes.sikb.nl 

Model structure

IMSIKB0101 - Labassignment.png



identification NEN3610ID

A unique code that is created when the object is created for the first time.

operatingLab GenericName


Code of the laboratory to which the assignment is assigned.

Domaintable: Meetinstantie / Measuring Company

startTime DateTime

Dispatch date of the lab assignment

customerCode CharacterString

Client code or debtor number of the client as known by the laboratory

remarks CharacterString


Comments on a lab assignment


endTime DateTime


Dispatch date of the final lab results


<digital exchange of soil-related data>

Activity that leads to the collection of soil data

Unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost and resources [ISO 10006], in this case the collection or interpretation of soil data.

Note 1: An individual project may form part of a larger project structure.

Note 2: In some projects, the objective(s) is (are) refined and the product characteristics defined progressively as the project proceeds. (IEC 62198:2001).

Note 3: The data can be existing or new.


identification NEN3610ID

The unique identifier of the Project in TerraIndex and in the whole Exchange Chain

name CharacterString


The name of the project where the lab assignment is made for

projectCode CharacterString

The project code of the project where the lab assignment is made for

Sample (Specimen)


identification NEN3610ID

The unique identifier of TerraIndex for the analyses sample

name CharacterString


Name given to the sample

specimenType GenericName


Type of Sample- Fieldsample, Analysissample

Domaintable: MonsterType / SampleType

materialClass GenericName


An SIKB code for the matrix type. Soil, Groundwater etc..

Domaintable: Compartiment / Matrix

startTime DateTime


DateTime the sample is created of taken on the site or location.

lowerDepth Depth


The ending depth where the sample was taken from.

upperDepth Depth


The starting depth where the sample was taken from.

remarks CharacterString


Comments on a sample

size Measure


The total weight or volume of the material taken into the sample/specimen.


===> Q Luca: What about "consistsOfPackages"? it seems to be overlayed on top of "Barcode" in the Class Diagram

name CharacterString


Name given to the package container of the specimen/sample

barcode CharacterString


Barcode on the package container of the specimen/sample

packageType GenericName

Type of container, like: bottle, jar, sachet, bucket

Domaintable: MonsterVerpakking / Sample package container

remarks CharacterString


Extra remark for the container

packageMaterialType GenericName


Type of container material, like: glass, rvs, plastic, etc

Domaintable:  MateriaalMonsterVerpakking / Sample package material



nameOnLabCertificate CharacterString


Name of the sample for reporting in the certificate PDF. 

certificateOrder int


Order of reporting in the certificate PDF

labSampleType CharacterString


The laboratory specific sample/specimen type, based on what kind of analysis will be request and the sample should be handled.

The options a user can request are sent in the Labdelivery file, defined by the lab. Options are like: Soil, Soil Walloon, Wastewater, Groundwater, Groundwater Walloon, Asbestos, Building materials.

The codes/values are defined by the lab, and should correspond with the LIMS information.



analysisPackageCode CharacterString

The code value of the requested Analysis (package) defined by the lab, and should correspond with the LIMS information.
The options a user can request are sent in the Labdelivery file, defined by the lab.

description CharacterString


Description/name of the requested analysis (package).



orderNumber CharacterString


Order number used by the client (equal to ID order if not filled in by the client), this number must be stated on the laboratory invoice addressed to the client.

urgencyCode CharacterString


Urgency of the assignment; Code, laboratory dependent

The options a user can request are sent in the Labdelivery file, defined by the lab.
The codes/values are defined by the lab, and should correspond with the LIMS information.

reservationNumber CharacterString


Reservation Number - A reservation number provided by the laboratory to the client

isAgreement Boolean


If a special price arrangement/agreement has been made with the lab for the assignment (0=No; 1=Yes)

agreementNumber CharacterString


Price arrangement/agreement number - If 'isAgreement' = True, the appointment number to which the appointment relates can be entered here



samplesDate Date


Date the fieldsamples have been delivered or send towards the lab.

transportationNumber CharacterString


Transportation number given by the courier that transports the fieldsamples.

What to store to send the correct results back?

The 'Lab Assignment' data stream facilitates the exchange between, for example, a consultancy firm and a laboratory. It is used to exchange a request for analysis on specific samples.

Important fields:

EntityFixed ValueRemarks
ProjectlokaalID (GUID) 
Lab AssignmentlokaalID (GUID) 
Sample (Analysis sample)lokaalID (GUID) 
Sample (Field monster)lokaalID (GUID) 

What sample scenario's are exchanged?

Field Sample -> Mixed Sample     
-          Field Sample – AA, materialClass = 1 (Soil), specimenType = 1 (Fieldsample)
o   Packaging – Pot AA-1, barcode: ffdsgfdkds 
o   Reference to Mixed Sample : MM1  
-          Field Sample – BB, materialClass = 1 (Soil), specimenType = 1 (Fieldsample)
o   Packaging – Pot BB-1, barcode: sadfnmsds 
o     Reference to Mixed Sample: MM1  
-          Mixed Sample – MM1, materialClass = 1 (Soil), specimenType = 10 (Analysissample)
o   Reference to Subsample: AA  
o   Reference to Subsample: BB  
o   Lab Analysis Request    
o   Lab Results    
Field Sample individual pot    
-          Field Sample– BO01-1, materialClass = 1 (Soil), specimenType = 1 (Fieldsample)
o   Packaging – Pot BO01-1, barcode: fdmsakfds 
o   Reference to Analysis Sample: M1  
-          Analysis Sample– M1, materialClass = 1 (Soil), specimenType = 10 (Analysissample)
o   Reference to Subsample: BO01-1  
o   Lab Analysis Request    
o   Lab Results    
Water Sample (with multiple bottles)   
-          Field Sample – WA1, matrix = GW     (SampleType = 1)
o   Packaging – Bottle WA1-1, barcode: dfsfdslasd 
o   Packaging – Bottle WA1-2, barcode: fdsvfdsvfs 
o   Packaging – Bottle WA1-3, barcode: kjhgfvvxx 
o   Reference to Analysis Sample: WA1_Sample 
-          Analysis Sample – WA1_Sample, matrix = GW (ID=2)     (SampleType = 10)
o   Reference to Subsample: WA1  
o   Lab Analysis Request    
o   Lab Results    
Asbestos Sample      
-          Field Sample – AB1, matrix = GR     (SampleType= 1)
o   Packaging – Bag AB1-1, barcode: dfsfdslasd 
o   Reference to Analysis Sample: M1  
-          Analysis Sample – M1, matrix = GR     (SampleType= 10)
o   Reference to Subsample: AB1  
o   Reference to Material Sample: MA1 
o   Reference to Sieve Sample: ZM1  
o   Reference to Sieve Sample: ZM2  
o   Lab Analysis Request    
-          Material Sample – MA1, matrix = GR     (SampleType= 8)
o   Reference to Subsample: M1  
o   Material code = Corrugated Sheet   
o   Lab Results    
-          Sieve Sample – ZM1, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 7)
o   Reference to Subsample: M1  
o   Fraction Code = <20    
o   Lab Results    
-          Sieve Sample – ZM1, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 7)
o   Reference to Subsample: M1  
o   Fraction Code = <50    
o   Lab Results    
Analysis Sample met Leachate Samples   
-          Field Sample – BO01-1, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 1)
o   Packaging – Pot BO01-1, barcode: fdmsakfds 
o   Reference to Leachate Sample: M1  
-          Analysis Sample – M1, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 10)
o   Reference to Subsample: BO01-1  
o   Reference to Leachate Sample: M1_Leachate1 
o   Reference to Leachate Sample: M1_Leachate2 
o   Lab Analysis Request    
o   Lab Results    
-          Leachate Sample – M1_Leachate1, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 9)
o   Reference to Subsample: BO01-1  
o   Fraction Code = filled   
o   Lab Results    
-          Leachate Sample – M1_Leachate2, matrix = GR     (SampleType = 9)
o   Reference to Subsample: BO01-1  
o   Fraction Code = filled   
o   Lab Results    