Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:18
Claystone is a clastic fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of cemented clay-particles. With it grainsize it is comparable with mudstone and siltstone, but the particles need to be clay-size and a minimum of 50% of the rock needs to be composed of clay-sized particles.
Claystones often are mistaken for siltstone or mudstone, but the difference lies in the amount of clay-size particles present. To distinguish them the following definitions can be used:
- Siltstone – more than half of the composition is silt-sized particles.
- Claystone – more than half of the composition is clay-sized particles.
- Mudstone – hardened mud; a mix of silt and clay sized particles
Claystone is made up from different clay-minerals and can therefor have many different colors. Moreover claystone has a hardness of 3.5 on Mohr's scale and is smooth to touch.