Wiki source code of Tensile strenght

Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:20

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9 Tensile strength is a characteristic of organic deposition and needs to be described to get a better understanding of the investigated soil. Tensile strength is divided into 4 categories described below.
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13 = Tensile strenght classes =
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16 |=Tensile strength class|=Condition|=Perception
17 |No strength|Fibres don't interlock|Samples with no strength doesn't give any resistance when pulled apart. The fibres are not present or to small to interlock.
18 |Low|Fibres interlock a little|Samples with a low strength have fibres that slide past each other without a lot of resistance. This happens with samples that have much small fibres and some bigger fibres.
19 |Moderately|Fibres interlock|Samples with a moderate strength give resistance when pulled apart. The fibres get caught in each other and form a mesh that supports the sample.
20 |High|Fibres interlock very much|Samples with high strength give much resistance when pulled apart. The fibres form a network or matt. When pulled apart the fibres snap or break.
22 = References =
24 * NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019
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31 **Contents**
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