Conserving method

Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:20

According to protocol 3001 from SIKB soil samples need to be conserved via a specific container and method.

Conserving method

For all samples below the following holds. The samples need to be conserved at 1-5 oC, airtight and in a dark container.

In the following table all possible contaminations are mentioned and a conserving period and container prescription are mentioned. The legend for the table can be found under the table.

ContaminationMatrixConserving periodContainer
Acidity/alkalitySoil14P or G
Water sample14P or G
BromideSoil28P or G
Water sample28P or G
ChloridebenzeneSoil21P or G
Water sample21G, with PTFE lined lid
ChlorideSoil28P or G
Water sample28P or G
ChloridephenolsSoil4P or G
Water sample4P or G
CyanideSoil4G, colored
Water sample4P or G
Dry substanceSoil7P or G
Water sample7P or G

(Extractable Organohalogen Connections)

Soil7P or G
Water sample7P or G
FluorideSoil28P of G (No PTFE)
Water sample28P of G (No PTFE)
PhosphorSoil28P or G
Water sample28P or G
ConductivitySoil7P or G
Water sample1P or G
Kjeldahl-NSoil28P or G
Water sample7P or G
LutumSoilOnlimitedP or G
Water sample28P or G
ChromeSoil30P or G
Water sample2P or G
Mercury not volatileSoil4P or G
Water sample4P or G
Mercury not volatileSoil6 monthsP or G
Water sample28P or G
Metals, mercury not includedSoil6 montsP or G
Water sample28P or G
Mineral oilSoil7P or G
Water sample28G
Nitrate (NO3)Soil3P or G
Water sample7P or G
Organic compoundSoil28P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
Organochloridepesticides (OCB)Soil28P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
Organophosphorpesticides (OPB)Soil7P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
Organonitrogenpesticides (ONB)Soil7P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
o-PO4 (ortho-phosphate)Soil7P or G
Water sample2P or G
pH on dried materialSoil3 jaarP or G
Water sample3 jaarP or G
pH on direct wet materialSoil7P or G
Water sample1P or G
Polychloridebiphenyls (PCB)Soil28P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAK)Soil14P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
SO4 (Sulphate)Soil28P or G
Water sample28P or G
TOC (totally organic carbon)Soil28P or G
Water sample28G, with PTFE lined lid
Volatile chloridehydrocarbons (CKW)Soil4G
Water sample4G, with PTFE lined lid
Volatile monocyclic aromaticsSoil4G
Water sample4G, with PTFE lined lid


P: plastics, in this category are: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

G: glass

BG: Borosilicate glass

RVS: stainless steel

