TerraIndex ReleaseNotes

Modifié par Roelof Zwaan le 2023/07/24 15:58

Changes and updates:


Labeltext in EnglishRemarksDefinition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.



DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)
DBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject
Name inspector Field where the name of the fieldworker that performed the field inspection can be selected.AddStringtblSublocationsSlNameInspector
Coverage removed? Yes/No field to indicate whether or not any vegetation was removed in order to perform a field inspection.AddLookupvalue (73)tblSublocations


Density (ton/m3)

 Field where the name of the fieldworker that performed the field inspection can be selected.AddFloattblLayersLaDensity
pH-value Field to enter the measured Ph value of this soil layer. Often used to map out contamination from drug waste.AddFloattblLayersLaPhValue
CH4 (ppm) The CH4 (methane) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).AddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 162

CO (ppm)

 The CO (Carbonmonoxide) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).AddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 161
CH4 (ppm) Series value The CH4 (methane) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).AddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 162

CO (ppm) Series value

 The CO (Carbonmonoxide) value measured during the sampling of a soil air or ambient air sample. Measured in parts per million (ppm).AddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 161

Reference of the Flow-measurement device

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamplesWsDebitReference

Reference of the explosimeter

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the barometer

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the O2/ Co2 sensor

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference PID-instrument

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the hygrometer

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the pump

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Drilling fluid used

 If a fluid was used to aid the drilling, that fluid can be specified in this field. Required by Spanish ENAC standards.AddLookupvalue (293)tblMeasurementPoints


Reference PID-instrument

 The referencecode of the used PID-instrument.AddStringtblMeasurementPoints


Gravel grain size from (mm)

 The median of the type of gravel that has been used in the finishings of a filtertube.AddFloattblFinishings


Gravel grain size to (mm) The median of the type of gravel that has been used in the finishings of a filtertube.AddFloattblFinishings


Type of rod grease used

 The type of grease used to connect different parts of the filtertubes.AddLookupvalue (295)tblFilterTubes


Reference of the purging water filter

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the multi-parameter sensor

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples


Reference of the waterlevel sensor

 The reference number of the device used in this sampling of soil air.AddStringtblWatersamples



 Technical field for the exchange of field samples (air / water)AddGUIDtblWatersamplesWsFieldSampleGuid
Reason Field t indicate the reason for starting the researchAddLookupvalue (294)tblSummaryConclusion




Labeltext in EnglishRemarksDefinition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.



DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)
DBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject
HDOP Precision value for the GPS coordinates.AddFloattblMeasurementPoints


VDOP Precision value for the GPS coordinates.AddFloattblMeasurementPoints


PDOP Precision value for the GPS coordinates.AddFloattblMeasurementPoints


Number of satellites used Field to note the amount of sattelites that where used for the GPS measurement in this measurement point.AddIntegertblMeasurementPoints


HRMS Precision value for the GPS coordinates.AddFloattblMeasurementPoints


VRMS Precision value for the GPS coordinates.AddFloattblMeasurementPoints


Gps pole height (m)


Field to fill in the height of the GPS pole



Antenna height (cm)


Field to fill in the height of the antenna on the GPS machine



Weather conditions 

Field to fill in the weather conditions during the drilling process

Ambient temperature (°C)  

Outside temperature during the drilling process



CO (ppm)


Field to save the measurement of carbon monoxide in the layer


Oxygen (%)


Field to save the measurement of oxygen in the layer



H2S (ppm)

 Field to save the measurement of hydrogen sulfide in the layerAddFloattblLayers


LEL (%)


Field the save the lower explosive level measurement in the layer



Inspectie efficiency (%) The amount of soil in the layer that was able to be inspected properly for the purpose of asbestos research.AddFloattblLayers


Mixing of soil 

Field to denote the amount of mixing in this soil layer

AddInteger (codelist 291)tblLayers


CO (ppm)


Field to save the measurement of carbon monoxide in the air sample

AddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 161
Jar type Soil sample ring added to the codelistAdd codelist value   


Labeltext in EnglishRemarksDefinition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.



DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)
DBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject

This field is for planned measurement points, and can be used to determine the status (to be done, done, removed etc)

AddLookup value (codelist 289)tblMeasurementPoints


Penetrometer compaction strength (kg/cm2)


This field is a numeric field for field tests to determine the compaction strength of the soil


Accreditation number


This field can be used to fill in the accreditation number of the fieldworker, which needs to be filled in by walloon customers

Addtext field (30)tblMeasurementPoints


Moisture Class Soil 

This field is for giving moisture classes in soil, these are present in the NEN 6693 and also used for french research.

AddLookup value (codelist 290)tblLayers


Sediment Sump Length (cm) 

Field to input the length within the tube that is used as a sand / silt catchment below the filter

Length / WidthMulti edit turned on in grid vierw ChangenumberfieldtblMeasurementPoints

MpTrialPitLength & MpTrialPitWidth

Length / WidthMulti edit turned on in grid vierw ChangenumberfieldtblLayers

LaTrialPitLength & LaTrialPitWidth

Initial function 

Field to input the function of the filtertube when it was installed

AddLookup value (codelist 288)tblFilterTubesFtInitialFiltertubeFunction
Weather conditions 

Remarkable weather conditions can be noted here as part of a location inspection



Sampling procedure Field to fill in the used sampling procedureAddLookup value (codelist 287)tblWatersamplesWsSamplingProcedure
Starttime & Endtime samplingAlready existed for airsamples, no as well for watersamples ChangeDatetimetblWatersamples

WsStartSampleTime & WsPostSampleTime

Radioactive ionisation (cps) 

Numberfield to input the cps (counts per second) of a meter that reacts to ionisation (like a geiger counter)



Sample water content (%) 

Percentage field for sample humidity


Volume weight dry Yd (Kn/M3)


Geotechnical field for the dry weight of the sample, different unit than the other weight sample fields which are more simplistic

Liquit limit water content (%) The liquid limit used within the attenbergs limitsAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrLiquidLimit
Plasticity index (%) 

Geotechnical field for the plasticity index


Semi-Solid limit (water content %)

 The semi-solid limit used within the attenbergs limitsAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrSemiSolidLimit

Plastic limit (water content %)

 The plastic limit used within the attenbergs limitsAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrPlasticLimit

Undrained shear strength (kPa)

 The shear strength of the soilAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrUndrainedShearStrength
Void ratio (%) The ratio of void (air) in the soilAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrVoidRatio
Saturation (%) The percentage of moisture saturation in the soilAddnumberfieldtblJarsJrSaturationPercentage
Soil sampes (several fields)Multi edit turned on Change tblJarsSeveral
Destination Type Field for destination type for the OVAMAddLookup value (codelist 49)tblProjectsPrDestinationType
Groundwater vulnerability Field for groundwater vulnerability for the OVAMAddLookup value (codelist 92)tblProjectsPrGroundwaterVulnerability
Percentage Fractrion >20mm Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddnumberfieldtblLayersLaCourseFractionPercentage
Weight fraction >20 mm Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddnumberfieldtblLayersLaCourseFractionWeight
Weight fraction <20 mm Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddnumberfieldtblLayersLaFineFractionWeight
Type plate material Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddLookup value (281)tblLayersLaPlateMaterialTypeCode
Number of pieces plate material Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddnumberfieldtbLLayersLaPlateMaterialPieces
Weight plate material (g) Asbestos fields now als on layer levelAddnumberfieldtblLayersLaPlateMaterialWeight
Special component gradationAdd codelist "A little (bit of)" Add Codelist value   
Sand sorting codesAdd extra sand and gravel sorting codes Add Codelist value   
Geological interpretationAll new belgium geological interpretation options added Add Codelist value   
End prepump citeriaNew prepump ending condition added Add Codelist value   
Finishing TypeType 'Asfalt' added Add Codelist value   
Project TypeNew French Project types added Add Codelist value   
Colour TypeColour 'Pink' added Add Codelist value   
Use of locationAdditional location uses added Add Codelist value   


Labeltext in EnglishRemarksDefinition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.



DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)
DBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject
Special or invasive vegetation(1, 2, 3) Field to note invasive species found on the release location. New codelist with species from the dutch invasive species list added.AddLookup value (codelist 285)tblSublocations


Sieved material inspection hole Field to note the total amount of sieved material at the measurementpoint level of an asbestos inspection holeAddFloattblMeasurementPointsMpSievedMaterial
Water depth (cm-gl) Field to describe the column of water above the waterbed, if chosen not to add a water layer as the first layer.AddFloattblMeasurementPointsMpWaterDepth
Special component in layer (mass%) Can be used to note the total mass % of foreign (non-soil) material in a layer.AddFloattblLayersLaSpecialComponentPercent
Suspected Asbestos pollution Field by which a fieldworker can remark if a layer is suspect of containing asbestosAddLookup value (codelist 73)tblLayersLaSuspectedAsbestosCode
Measurement point typeNew codelist options addedCanister, Ambient air measurement addedChangeLookup value (codelist 24)tblMeasurementpointsMpTypeCode
Reference planeNew codelist options addedSea level addedChangeLookup value (codelist 15)tblMeasurementpointsMpReferencePointTypeCode
Finishing TypeNew codelist options addedSurface box plasic, Surface box stainless steel addedChangeLookup value (codelist 32)tblFinishingsFiTypeCode
HorizonNew codelist options addedUnit R0, Unit R1, Unit R2 addedChangeLookup value (codelist 109)tblLayersLaHorizonCode
Soil / Rock TypeNew codelist options addedGranodiorite addedChangeLookup value (codelist 163 and 35)tblLayersLaRockTypeCode
Special component typeNew codelist options added

Construction and demolition waste, Calcium nodules, calcium crusts, Stones >50MM added

ChangeLookup value (codelist 11)tblLayersLaSc1TypeCode
Drilling SystemNew codelist options addedTubed edelman, tubed pulse drill, tubed percussion gouge addedChangeLookup value (codelist 23)tblLayersLaDrillingSystemTypeCode
ClarityNew codelist options addedNone, Low, medium, high clarity codes addedChangeLookup value (codelist 252)tblWatersamplesLaClarityCode
Stop prepumpingNew codelist options added1x volume of drilling well + parameters stabilisation addedChangeLookup value (codelist 200)tblWatersamplesWsPrepumpingEndedTypeCode
Sampling methodNew codelist options addedmulti support active samplingChangeLookup value (codelist 259)tblWatersamplesWsSamplingMethodCode
Placed in serieNew codelist options addedNew codelist: Unique, in paralel, in series addedChangeLookup value (codelist 284)WsPackagingsBoPlacedInSerie
Air sample TypeNew codelist options addedImpregnated filter addedChangeLookup value (codelist 272)WsPackagingsBoSampleTypeCode
Field matrixNew codelist options addedWaterbed (solid part) addedChangeLookup value (codelist 6)WsAnalysisSamplesMatrixTypeCode


Labeltext in EnglishRemarksDefinition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.



DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)
DBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject
Use of location To add the current use of the location to a measurement pointAddLookupvaluetblMeasurementPointsMpLocationUsageCode
TypeNew codelist optios added -ChangeLookupvaluetblMeasurementPointMpType
Interior location Yes / no field for if the sample is an interior locationAddLookupvaluetblMeasurementPointsMpIsIndoorsCode
FlowTypesSurfaceWater Describes the flowing pattern of the surface water sampling locationAddLookupvaluetblObservationsMETINGCODE 148
Location flow rate The flow rate of the sampling locationAddLookupvaluetblObservationsMETINGCODE 149
Special conditions Remark field for special sampling conditions to print in reportAddStringtblWatersamplesJrStreamlineGUID
Pump typeCodelist used for several fieldsNew options added to codelistChangeLookupvalueMultiple fieldsMultiple fields
Pump connection Field for the power connection of a pumpAddLookupValuetblObservationsMETINGCODE 150
Matrix Added codelist optionsChangeLookupvaluetblWatersamplesWsMatrix
Mesh size (mm) Field for the mesh size of a monitoring well filterAddFloattblFiltertubesFtMeshSize
TypeProject levelNew codelist optionsChangeLookupvaluetblProjectsPrType
TypeFinishing levelNew codelist optionsChangeLookupvaluetblFinishingsFiType
Measurement duration Field for the duration of a series of a measurements, mostly used to estimate the time when a tube is dryAddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 154 (Series), METINGCODE 153 (Stable value)
Pumped volume series Field for the total pumped volume during a single seriesAddFloattblObservationsMETINGCODE 152 (Series), METINGCODE 151 (Stable value)


Screen to add the extra fieldLabeltext of field in EnglishLabeltext in DutchExamples of values and how it should be printed in a report.Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.Codelist CategoryIDChange/Add/DeleteDB TypeDBTable in dsFieldProjectDBFieldname in dsFieldProject
Soil samplesLength core samplerLengte steekbuis (mm)Length core sampler (mm)The length of a core sampler may vary and defines volume AddIntegertblJarsJrLengthCoreSampler
Measurement PointDiameterDiameter (mm)Diameter (mm)Information is available on layer level, but may sometimes be consistent over the entire measurement pointAddIntegertblMeasurementPointsMpDiameter
Air Samples packagingPlaced in serieIn serie geplaatstYes/noTwo packages for air samples can be placed in serie or not AddLookupvalue (Yes/No)tblBottlesBoPlacedInSerie
Water samplesSurrounding humidityOmgevingsvochtigheidLicht vochtig, Zeer vochtig, Vochtig op bodem, Vochtig op plaatsenThe circumstances when sampling AddCodelist
  • tblObservations
  • tblWatersampleMeasurements
Metingcode: 147 / WsSurroundingHumidity


Labeltext in English


Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.


DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)

DBTable in dsFieldProject

DBFieldname in dsFieldProject

StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblProjectsPrStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblMeasurementPointMpStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblWaterSample WsStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblFiltertubesFtStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblLayersLaStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblJarsJrStreamlineGUID
PackagingStreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblJarsJrPackagingStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblFinishingsFiStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblBottlesBoStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblLocationsLcStreamlineGUID
StreamlineGUIDDoes not have to be uniqueTo facilate synchronisation between Streamline and ClassicAddUnique identifier tblSublocationsSlStreamlineGUID


Screen to add the extra field

Labeltext in English

Labeltext in Dutch

Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report.

Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled.


DB Type
(String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime)

DBTable in dsFieldProject

DBFieldname in dsFieldProject

Measurement Points DetailsSample MoistureMonstervochtigheidDried outExplains humidity condition of measurment pointAdd Fieldstring (10)tblMeasurementPointMpSampleHumidityCode
Air sample detailsSpecial conditionsBijzondere omstandighedenNormal, used standard protocolDescription of deviation from protocolAdd Fieldstring (2000)tblWaterSampleWsSpecialConditions
Air sample detailsField conditionsMaaiveld omstandighedenDamp, easy to drillDescription of field/location at time of samplingAdd Fieldstring (2000)tblWaterSampleWsFieldConditions
Air sample detailsCalibration - O2Kalibratie Zuurstof (%)25%Filled in when performing the leaking test before prepumpingAdd FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 136 / WsCalibrationO2
Air sample detailsCalibration - CO2Kalibratie koolstofdioxine/CO2 (ppm)25ppmFilled in when performing the leaking test before prepumpingAdd FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 137 / WsCalibrationCO2
Air sample detailsStart-sampling timeTijdstip start bemonstering11:30:00Time when the actual sampling has startedAdd FielddatetimetblWaterSampleWsStartSampleTime
Air sample detailsPost-sampling timeTijdstip einde monstername11:30:00 Add FielddatetimetblWaterSampleWsPostSampleTime
Air sample detailsPost- sampling O2Zuurstof einde monstername 25% Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 140 / WsPostSampleO2
Air sample detailsPost-sampling CO2Koolstofdioxine/CO2 einde monstername  (ppm)25ppm Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 141 / WsPostSampleCO2
Air sample detailsPost-sampling air flow rateDebiet einde monstername 0,3l/min Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 142 / WsPostSampleFlowRate
Air sample detailsPost-sampling PIDPID einde monstername 25ppm Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 143 / WsPostSamplePID
Air sample detailsPost-sampling temperatureTemperatuur einde monstername25C Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 144 / WsPostSampleTemperature
Air sample detailsPost sampling air humidityVochtigheid einde monstername25% Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 145 / WsPostSampleHumidity
Air sample detailsPost sampling air pressureLuchtdruk einde monstername25hPa Add FieldfloattblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurementsMetingcode: 146 / WsPostSamplePressure
Air samples PackagingSample typeMonstertyperegular sample/transport blind/environment blindTo select the type of support used in the sampling processAdd FieldlookupvaluetblBottlesBoSampleTypeCode
Air samples PackagingReference numberReferentienummer088D235D123As secundary to barcode. Supports have both a barcode and a referenceAdd Fieldstring (10)tblBottlesBoReferenceNumber


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