Documentation TerraIndex Export format - dsFieldProject.xsd
When you request an export from the TerraIndex webservice or try to upload new data, you’ll need to understand the format of the projects. For exportType ‘Export_FIELD_XML_v1_0_0' or when you open a '.ti'/'TerraIndex Export’ file from the exportmodule of TerraIndex web, you receive an XML file that contains all Project data. Below the XSD and examples of how this format looks like.
Files to help understand the data format:
Small XML example, full example can be found as an attachment:
<PrName>TU Delft, the Netherlands</PrName>
<PrLocPointGeometry>POINT (6.1000890695634133 52.58846240818189)</PrLocPointGeometry>
<MpDrillingMasterCode>John Borelog</MpDrillingMasterCode>
<MpPointGeometry>POINT (6.10416686139686 52.5874623700489)</MpPointGeometry>
<MpDrillingMasterCode>John Borelog</MpDrillingMasterCode>
<MpPointGeometry>POINT (6.10300163732122 52.5878570271434)</MpPointGeometry>
Changes and updates:
27 augustus 2024:
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
BRO-ID | The BRO-ID of the project. Used for specific deliveries to the BRO-loket after the project has been officially registered within the BRO. | Add | Varchar(50) | tblProjects | BroId | |
Report date | The reporting date of this project towards the 'Bronhouder'. Used for specific deliveries to the BRO-loket, keep in mind this is the date the BRO will check 'Bronhouders' for their legal tasks. | Add | datetime | tblProjects | ReportDate | |
BRO Bronhouder objectId | The objectId for the 'Bronhouder' to find this project in the BRO Portal. | Add | Varchar(200) | tblProjects | BroAccountableParty |
27 juli 2022:
Nieuwe database unieke GUIDs toegevoegd, die in Streamline als ID gaan gelden.
dsFieldProject.tblAnalysisSamplesDataTable.AnStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblLabassignmentsDataTable.LbStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblAnalysisRequestsDataTable.ArStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblAnalysisResultsDataTable.AsStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblAssessmentPropertiesDataTable.ApStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblAssessmentResultsDataTable.ArStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblAssessmentResultStandards.ArsStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblWaterSamples.AnStreamlineGUID |
dsFieldProject.tblConcernedCompanies.CcStreamlineGUID |
14 maart 2022:
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Smoketube test | CodeID: 157 | A test done to determine wether no air is escaping the suction system of the filtration unit. This is important because if this is the case, dangerous gases might escape and affect the health of people nearby | Add | Lookupvalue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 157 |
Discontinuity cause | This describes the cause of a discontinuity among rock layers for a rock classification. This is not a description of the discontinuity, merely how it came to exist | Add | Lookupvalue | tblLayers | LaDiscontinuityCauseCode | |
BroID | Field for the BroID at filltertube level | Add | Varchar(50) | tblFilterTubes | BroID | |
Weight fine fraction (kg) | This concerns the weight of the sieved fraction, which is distinct from the coarse fraction | Add | Float | tblJars | JrWeightFractionFine | |
Determination method of moisture | Describes how the soil was kept at a safe mositure level to work with asbestos | Add | Codelist | tblLayers | LaFieldworkMoistureMethodCode | |
Type of asbestos containing material | Describes how the soil was kept at a safe mositure level to work with asbestos | Add | Codelist | tblJars | JrPlateMaterialTypeCode | |
Thickness asbestos containing material (mm) | Thickness of the plate material in mm, needed to make the distinction of types of plate material | Add | Float | tblJars | JrPlateMaterialThickness | |
Recommended prepump volume | CodeID: 158 | Needed to register for french users | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 158 |
Tube flushing volume | CodeID: 159 | Needed to register for french users | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 159 |
Filtertube leaktest | Wether or not a leaking test was performed on the filtertube (for air sampling) | Add | codelist (Yes / no) | tblFilterTubes | FtLeakingtestCode | |
Presence of water | CodeID: 160 | Check to see whetherthe tube is dry when sampling an air sample | Add | codelist (Yes / no) | tblObservations | METINGCODE 160 |
Grondwaterstand aangetroffen? | Veld om aan te geven dat de grondwaterstand niet is bereikt bij deze boring | Add | codelist (Yes / no) | tblMeasurementPoints | MpGWSFoundCode | |
Benzene PID | CodeID: 156 | Arcadis nederland wil dit graag... | Add | float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 156 |
Lager explosief gehalte (vol %) | CodeID: 155 | Arcadis nederland wil dit graag... | Add | float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 155 |
Number of soil grabs | Aantal grepen veld voor partijkeuring | Add | Integer | tblMeasurementpoints | MpGrabNumber | |
Koolstofdioxine/CO2 ppm | New label CO2 (ppm) | CHANGE LABEL | Change | Float | tblObservations | METING CODE: 113 |
Koolstofdioxine/CO2 einde monstername (ppm) | New label CO2 (ppm) einde monstername | CHANGE LABEL | Change | Float | tblObservations | METING CODE: 113 |
Weight debris (kg) | new label english: Weight coarse fraction (kg) dutch: Gewicht grove fractie (kg) | Change label to conform norm | Change | Float | tblJars | JrWeightDebris |
Pieces of Asbestos | new label english: Pieces of asbestos-containing material dutch: Aantal stukjes asbestverdacht materiaal
| Change label to conform norm | Change | Integer | tblJars | JrNoPiecesAsbestos |
Weight asbestos | new label english: Weight asbestos-containing material dutch: Gewicht asbestverdacht materiaal | Change label to conform norm | Change | Float | tblJars | JrWeightAsbestos |
Weight sample (kg) | new label english: Total sample weight (kg) dutch: Totaal gewicht monster (kg) | Change label to make it more clear that it concerns the total weight of the sample | Change | Float | tblJars | JrWeightSample |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/ Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Use of location | To add the current use of the location to a measurement point | Add | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoints | MpLocationUsageCode | |
Type | New codelist optios added | - | Change | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoint | MpType |
Interior location | Yes / no field for if the sample is an interior location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblMeasurementPoints | MpIsIndoorsCode | |
FlowTypesSurfaceWater | Describes the flowing pattern of the surface water sampling location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 148 | |
Location flow rate | The flow rate of the sampling location | Add | Lookupvalue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 149 | |
Special conditions | Remark field for special sampling conditions to print in report | Add | String | tblWatersamples | JrStreamlineGUID | |
Pump type | Codelist used for several fields | New options added to codelist | Change | Lookupvalue | Multiple fields | Multiple fields |
Pump connection | Field for the power connection of a pump | Add | LookupValue | tblObservations | METINGCODE 150 | |
Matrix | Added codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblWatersamples | WsMatrix | |
Mesh size (mm) | Field for the mesh size of a monitoring well filter | Add | Float | tblFiltertubes | FtMeshSize | |
Type | Project level | New codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblProjects | PrType |
Type | Finishing level | New codelist options | Change | Lookupvalue | tblFinishings | FiType |
Measurement duration | Field for the duration of a series of a measurements, mostly used to estimate the time when a tube is dry | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 154 (Series), METINGCODE 153 (Stable value) | |
Pumped volume series | Field for the total pumped volume during a single series | Add | Float | tblObservations | METINGCODE 152 (Series), METINGCODE 151 (Stable value) |
Screen to add the extra field | Labeltext of field in English | Labeltext in Dutch | Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report. | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Codelist CategoryID | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Soil samples | Length core sampler | Lengte steekbuis (mm) | Length core sampler (mm) | The length of a core sampler may vary and defines volume | Add | Integer | tblJars | JrLengthCoreSampler | |
Measurement Point | Diameter | Diameter (mm) | Diameter (mm) | Information is available on layer level, but may sometimes be consistent over the entire measurement point | Add | Integer | tblMeasurementPoints | MpDiameter | |
Air Samples packaging | Placed in serie | In serie geplaatst | Yes/no | Two packages for air samples can be placed in serie or not | Add | Lookupvalue (Yes/No) | tblBottles | BoPlacedInSerie | |
Water samples | Surrounding humidity | Omgevingsvochtigheid | Licht vochtig, Zeer vochtig, Vochtig op bodem, Vochtig op plaatsen | The circumstances when sampling | Add | Codelist |
| Metingcode: 147 / WsSurroundingHumidity |
Labeltext in English | Remarks | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblProjects | PrStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblMeasurementPoint | MpStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblWaterSample | WsStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblFiltertubes | FtStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblLayers | LaStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblJars | JrStreamlineGUID |
PackagingStreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblJars | JrPackagingStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblFinishings | FiStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblBottles | BoStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblLocations | LcStreamlineGUID |
StreamlineGUID | Does not have to be unique | To facilate synchronisation between Streamline and Classic | Add | Unique identifier | tblSublocations | SlStreamlineGUID |
Screen to add the extra field | Labeltext in English | Labeltext in Dutch | Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report. | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Measurement Points Details | Sample Moisture | Monstervochtigheid | Dried out | Explains humidity condition of measurment point | Add Field | string (10) | tblMeasurementPoint | MpSampleHumidityCode |
Air sample details | Special conditions | Bijzondere omstandigheden | Normal, used standard protocol | Description of deviation from protocol | Add Field | string (2000) | tblWaterSample | WsSpecialConditions |
Air sample details | Field conditions | Maaiveld omstandigheden | Damp, easy to drill | Description of field/location at time of sampling | Add Field | string (2000) | tblWaterSample | WsFieldConditions |
Air sample details | Calibration - O2 | Kalibratie Zuurstof (%) | 25% | Filled in when performing the leaking test before prepumping | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 136 / WsCalibrationO2 |
Air sample details | Calibration - CO2 | Kalibratie koolstofdioxine/CO2 (ppm) | 25ppm | Filled in when performing the leaking test before prepumping | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 137 / WsCalibrationCO2 |
Air sample details | Start-sampling time | Tijdstip start bemonstering | 11:30:00 | Time when the actual sampling has started | Add Field | datetime | tblWaterSample | WsStartSampleTime |
Air sample details | Post-sampling time | Tijdstip einde monstername | 11:30:00 | Add Field | datetime | tblWaterSample | WsPostSampleTime | |
Air sample details | Post- sampling O2 | Zuurstof einde monstername | 25% | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 140 / WsPostSampleO2 | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling CO2 | Koolstofdioxine/CO2 einde monstername (ppm) | 25ppm | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 141 / WsPostSampleCO2 | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling air flow rate | Debiet einde monstername | 0,3l/min | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 142 / WsPostSampleFlowRate | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling PID | PID einde monstername | 25ppm | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 143 / WsPostSamplePID | |
Air sample details | Post-sampling temperature | Temperatuur einde monstername | 25C | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 144 / WsPostSampleTemperature | |
Air sample details | Post sampling air humidity | Vochtigheid einde monstername | 25% | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 145 / WsPostSampleHumidity | |
Air sample details | Post sampling air pressure | Luchtdruk einde monstername | 25hPa | Add Field | float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 146 / WsPostSamplePressure | |
Air samples Packaging | Sample type | Monstertype | regular sample/transport blind/environment blind | To select the type of support used in the sampling process | Add Field | lookupvalue | tblBottles | BoSampleTypeCode |
Air samples Packaging | Reference number | Referentienummer | 088D235D123 | As secundary to barcode. Supports have both a barcode and a reference | Add Field | string (10) | tblBottles | BoReferenceNumber |
Screen to add the extra field | Examples of values and how it should be printed in a report. | Labeltext in Dutch | Codelist CategoryID | Change/Add/Delete | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Watersample details | Diepte aanzuigpunt voorpompen | Add Field | Float | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 133/ WsPrepumpSuctionPointDepth | ||
Watersample details | Ja/Nee | peilbuis drooggevallen bij voorpompen | 26 (categoryID: 73) | Add Field | String (10) | tblObservations/tblWatersampleMeasurements | Metingcode: 134/ WsPrepumpFTDryCode |
Watersample Reeksen | Ja/Nee | peilbuis drooggevallen bij voorpompen reeks | 26 (categoryID: 73) | Add Field in Reeks interface | String (10) | tblObservations | Metingcode: 135 |
Watersample details | reden pompen beeindigd | 518 (categoryID: 200) | Add Codelist item, | peilbuis is droog | |||
Meetpunt details | reden boring gestopt | 236 (categoryID: 236) | Add Codelist item | water aangetroffen |
Screen to add the extra field | Labeltext of field in English | Definition and process how this field will be used and when it will be filled. | Codelist CategoryID | Change/Add/Delete | Labeltext in Dutch | Input type | DB Type (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Layer Details | K qualification | they don't give any value to K but appreciations. Het is ook wel uit de Hoofdnaam met bijmengingen af te leiden, maar dat is niet handig. Op boorprofiel moet het getoond worden, dus graag als apart veld toevoegen. De k-waarde geeft de waterdoorlatendheid van de bodem of een constructie, de hydrologische conductiviteit. De k-waarde of doorlatendheidscoëfficiënt van zand kan horizontaal (kh) tot 50 m zijn en verticaal (kv) ca. 5 m per dag (etmaal), van klei en veen ca. 0,1 m per dag. | 271 | add | K kwalificatie | Codelist | String (10) | tblLayers | LaKQualificationCode |
Layer description | colorimetric measurements (ppm | when PID gives strange values, colorimetric tube will be used. Values are always expressed in ppm Pid meting slaat uit, dan plaatsen ze een buisje om extra stoffen te meten. Is dus echt een aparte meting. | add | colorimetrische meting (ppm) | Float Input -> Same as PID | Float/Double | tblLayers | LaColometricValue | |
soil sample details | Soil Temperature (0C) | according to the Spanish law, they have to measure the temperature of the soil sample. The data has to be reported in their report (veldwerkoverzicht) | add | Temperatuur van het monster | Float Input -> Same as PID | Float/Double | tblJars | JrTemperatureSample | |
water sample details | Cleaned | Before taking a sample, the monitoring well may need to be cleaned (e.g. in case of sand trapping). At sample level, they can say whether the monitoring well has been cleaned (yes /no). If " yes", a new field " depth of the gauging tube after cleaning" shall appear. Overslaan, opgelost met als Diepte na schoonmaken gevuld is, dan is er ook schoongemaakt. | 73 | add | Schoongemaakt | Codelist | String (10) | METINGCODE | WsCleanedCode |
water sample details | depth of gauging tube before cleaning (cm - ref) | shall appear if the feld "cleaning" is turned on. Appearing will be always, because the checkbox will be removed. | add | Diepte peilbuis voor schoonmaak | Float Input -> Same as diepte | Float/Double | METINGCODE | WsDepthBeforeCleaning | |
Water sample details | Replenishment | While purging, they have to indicate if the groundwater is coming back and how. If after few minutes it does not go back it means that the groundwater has dried. | 270 | add | Herstelsnelheid grondwater niveau | Codelist | String (10) | METINGCODE | WsReplenishmentCode |
Soil Gaz sample details - stable | Lower Explosive Level (%) | parameter that need to be measured during soil gaz sampling, for security reasons STABLE VALUE!! | add | Lager explosief niveau (%) | Float Input -> Same as diepte | Float/Double | METINGCODE | WsLowerExplosiveLevel | |
Soil Gaz sample details - series | Lower Explosive Level (%) serie | parameter that need to be measured during soil gaz sampling, for security reasons SERIES VALUE!! | add | Lager explosief niveau (%) reeks | Float Input -> Same as diepte | Float/Double | METINGCODE | METINGCODE | |
Soil Gaz sample details - stable | H2S (ppm) | parameter that is also checked during the soil gaz purge. STABLE!! | add | H2S (ppm) | Float Input -> Same as diepte | Float/Double | METINGCODE | WsH2S | |
Soil Gaz sample details - series | H2S (ppm) serie | parameter that is also checked during the soil gaz purge. SERIES VALUE!! | add | H2S (ppm) reeks | Float Input -> Same as diepte | Float/Double | METINGCODE | METINGCODE | |
Water Sample - series | Turbidity serie | In France , Spain (and Germany) they don't use NTU to describe turbidity but appreciations The same appreciations that already exist for the feld "turbidiy" from Watersample should also exist for the series | 252 | add | Helderheid reeks | Codelist | String (10) | METINGCODE | METINGCODE |
Change/Add/Delete | Remarks, Questions with answers and feedback of the status and the field info. | Labeltext in Dutch | CategoryID | Input type | DB Type | (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | tblObservations/ | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Add | Monsternemer handtekening | signature | text | tblWaterSamples | WsSampletakerSignatureJPEG | |||
Add | Handtekening datum | date time | datetime | tblWaterSamples | WsSampletakerSignatureTimestamp | |||
Add | Gevalideerd | 138 | codelist | string() | tblWaterSamples | WsValidatedCode |
Change/Add/Delete | Remarks, Questions with answers and feedback of the status and the field info. | Labeltext in Dutch | CategoryID | Input type | DB Type | (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | dsTI DB Table | dsTI DB Columnname |
Add | - | - | int | tblLocationVisits | LvID | |||
Add | - | - | uniqueidentifier | tblLocationVisits | LvGuid | |||
Add | - | - | int | tblLocationVisits | PrID | |||
Add | The moment the fieldwork visited the location | Bezoek tijdstip | Date input | datetime | tblLocationVisits | LvVisitTimestamp | ||
Add | Lucht Temperatuur (°C) | Number | float | tblLocationVisits | LvAirTemperature | |||
Add | Luchtdruk (hPa) | Number | float | tblLocationVisits | LvAirPressure | |||
Add | Luchtvochtigheid (%) | Number | float | tblLocationVisits | LvHumidity | |||
Add | Windrichting (°) | Number | float | tblLocationVisits | LvWindDirectionDegrees | |||
Add | Windrichting (Kompas) | 264 | codelist | String(10) | tblLocationVisits | LvWindDirectionPointCode | ||
Add | Windkracht (m/s) | Number | float | tblLocationVisits | LvWindForce | |||
Add | The weatherconditions during the visit to the location | Weersomstandigheden | Text input | String(2000) | tblLocationVisits | LvWeatherConditionsDescription | ||
Add | nvt | datetime | tblLocationVisits | LvDateLastChanged |
Change/Add/Delete | Remarks, Questions with answers and feedback of the status and the field info. | Labeltext in Dutch | CategoryID | Input type | DB Type | (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Add | Een veld om aan te geven of het monster in het veld gemengd is in 1 verpakking. | Is veld mengmonster | boolean | tblAnalysisSamples | IsMixedFieldSample |
Change/Add/Delete | Remarks, Questions with answers and feedback of the status and the field info. | Labeltext in Dutch | CategoryID | Input type | DB Type | (String (length) / Float / Lookupvalue / Integer / DateTime) | DBTable in dsFieldProject | DBFieldname in dsFieldProject |
Add | We hebben een maaiveldtype per meetpunt, hierbij graag de mogelijkheid om de condities op te opgeven van het maaiveld. | Maaiveld omstandigheden | TextInput | String (2000) | tblMeasurementPoint | MpGroundLevelCondition | ||
Add Observation | Totaal volume van het gepompte volume bij de monstername | Volume monstername (l) | Float | Float |
| WsSampledVolume/ Old metingcode: 109 | ||
Add Observation | Monstername methode kunnen opgeven | Monstername methode | 259 | Codelist | String(20) |
| WsSamplingMethodTypeCode/ Old metingcode: 110 | |
Change | Aanpassen van deze meting naar een vaste eenheid: mg/l. | Zuurstof in mg/l | Float | Float |
| WsOxygen (Metingcode: 23 / Old metingcode: 12 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze meting met een vaste eneheid: %. | Zuurstof in % | Float | Float |
| WsOxygenPercentage/ Old metingcode: 111 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze Series meting met een vaste eenheid: %. | Reeks Zuurstof in % | Float | Float |
| METING CODE: 112 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze meting met een vaste eneheid: ppm. | Koolstofdioxine/CO2 in ppm | Float | Float |
| WsCarbonDioxine / Old metingcode: 113 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze Series meting met een vaste eenheid: ppm. | Reeks Koolstofdioxine/CO2 in ppm | Float | Float |
| METING CODE: 114 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze meting met een vaste eneheid: %. | Vochtigheid in % | Float | Float |
| WsHumidityPercentage/ Old metingcode: 115 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze Series meting met een vaste eenheid: %. | Reeks Vochtigheid in % | Float | Float |
| METING CODE: 116 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze Series meting met een vaste eenheid: ppm. | Reeks PID in ppm | Float | Float |
| METING CODE: 117 | ||
Add Observation | Toevoegen van deze Series meting met een vaste eenheid: hPa. | Reeks Luchtdruk in hPa | Float | Float |
| METING CODE: 118 |
Change/Add/Delete | Remarks, Questions with answers and feedback of the status and the field info. | Labeltext in Dutch | CategoryID | DB Type | Table | Column |
Add column | When a sample has a strong hydrocarbon odor a measure of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) is performed in the field with a PetroFLAG analyzer. This field is meant to register that value. | PetroFLAG® Analyzer (ppmv) | Float | tblJars | JrPetroFLAGAnalyzerValue | |
Add column | When changing a PID measurement to a sample, in case of a strange exceptional measured value, they will need to remeasure the pid value but also keep the original one that was taken during the PID measurement. | Afwijkende PID (ppm) | Float | tblJars | JrExceptionalPIDValue | |
Add Observation | Method used to remove the floating layer in the gauging tube | Drijflaag ophaal/verwijder systeem | 260 | String(10) | tblObservations | WsFloatingLayerRemoveMethodCode/Metingcode: 119 |
Add Observation | Type of operation that has been performed on the device used to remove the floating layer. | Uitgevoerde behandeling op drijflaag | 261 | String(10) | tblObservations | WsFloatingLayerSystemActionCode/Metingcode: 120 |
Add Observation | Sometimes an absorbtion stick is used to collect the floating layer in the Gauging tube. This parameter allows to indicate how saturated the absorbtion stick is after the procedure. | Saturatie absorberende staaf (%) | 262 | String(10) | tblObservations | WsSaturationAbsorptionStickCode/Metingcode: 121 |
Add Observation | Method used to clean the gauging tube. | Reiniging methode | 257 | String(10) | tblObservations | WsPurgeMethodCode/Metingcode: 122 |
Add Observation | When a gauging tube is purged, it can be done in two ways. Static: the intake depth is left at a set location. Dynamic: the hose intake depth is manually varied by moving the hose up and down. | Afpomp methode | 263 | String(10) | tblObservations | WsPurgeModeCode/Metingcode: 123 |
Add Observation | The total voltage that is measured on a water sample. So that is Redox + Standard. This is used in Germany to give adivice on the sample | Totale voltage (mV) | Float | tblObservations | WsTotalVoltage/Metingcode: 124 |
DSField Table | DSField Column | Field name in interface | Input type | Input Options example | Code categorie |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpSoilDisposedCodeVarchar (10) | Soil disposal method | Lookup list | Transported to a appropriate treatment facility Stored in the CIW containers of the site Stored on site awaiting disposal Left on the ground on site Used to fill the borehole | 256 |
tblFiltertubes | FtPurgeTechniqueCode Varchar(10) | Purge technique | Lookup list | Continuous water pumping Water pumping per level Alternate pumping (Shock) Swabbing and pumping Double air-lift Brushing and pumping Chemical treatment and pumping | 257 |
tblFiltertubes | FtPurgeDuration Integer | Purga duration | Integer input | ||
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDrillmasterSignatureJPEG Text (Base64 JPEG string) | Drillmaster signature | Signature input | ||
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDrillmasterSignatureTimestamp DateTime | Signature timestamp | DateTime input |
DSField Table | DSField Column | Field name in interface | Input type | Input Options example | Code categorie |
tblBottle | BoFilteredTypeCode (int32) | Filter type | Lookup list | Folded filter Ground filter prefilter | 255- Filtering method for the bottle |
tblConcernedCompanies | CcChamberOfCommerceNr Varchar(50) | Chamber of Commerce Nr | - | - | - |
DSField Table | DSField Column | Field name in interface | Input type | Input Options example | Code categorie |
tblLabassignment | LbLabStatusCode (int32) | n/a | n/a | n/a | 62 - Status van de labopdracht gerapporteerd door het lab (SIKB Lab status) |
DSField Table | DSField Column | Field name in interface | Input type | Input Options example | Code categorie |
tblMeasurementPoints | MpSortOrder | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblMeasurementPoints | MpInReports | Show in Reports | 4 boolean | Yes/No | n/a |
tblMeasurementPoints | MpOvamID | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblMeasurementPoints | MpInExports | Include in Exports | 4 boolean | true/false | n/a |
tblMeasurementPoints | MpUsedDevices | NL: Gebruikte apparaten EN: Used devices | tekst edit | ||
tblFilterTubes | FtDecommissioned | Decommissioned | 11 list | Yes/No | 73 |
tblFilterTubes | FtDecommissionedDate | Decommission Date | 2 date | date | n/a |
tblJars | JrMatrixCode | Matrix | 11 list | 6 | |
tblLayers | LaOvamID | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblLayers | LaSampleQualityClassCode | Sample quality class/ Monster kwaliteitsklasse | 11 list | QM1, QM2, QM3, QM4, QM5 | 245 |
tblLayers | LaSecondaryBeddingTypeCode | Secundaire Gelaagdheid type | 11 list | Grindlagen, Zandlagen, Siltlagen, Kleilagen, Veenlagen, Humuslagen, Detrituslagen, Schelpmateriaallagen, Bruinkoollagen. | 247 |
tblLayers | LaSecondaryBeddingThicknessCode | Secundaire Gelaagdheid dikte | 11 list | Dun gelamineerd (< 6 mm) Dik gelamineerd (6 tot 20 mm) Zeer dun gelaagd (20 tot 60 mm) Dun gelaagd (60 tot 200 mm) | 243 |
tblLayers | LaSecondaryBeddingGradationCode | Secundaire gelaagdheid gradatie | 11 list | Veel, Weinig | 246 |
tblLayers | LaDisperseInhomogeneityCode | Disperse Inhomogeneity/ Disperse Inhomogeniteit | 11 list | Veel grindlensjes, Weinig grindlensjes, Veel kleibrokken, Weinig kleibrokken, Veel kleilensjes, Weinig kleilensjes, Veel veenbrokken, Weinig veenbrokken, Veel zandlensjes, Weinig zandlensjes | 248 |
tblLayers | LaDrillingProgressCode | DE: bohrfortschritt NL: boorvoortgang EN: drilling progress | 11 list | sl - very easy to drill - 1m in 1-10 s. l - easy to drill - 1m in 10-30 s. m - medium difficulty to drill - 1m in 30 - 60 s. sl - difficult to drill - 1m in 1-2 min. ss - very difficult to drill - 1 m in > 2 min. BH - drilling obstacle kBf at ET - No drilling progress at final depth | 249 |
tblWaterSamples | WsSortOrder | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblWaterSamples | WsInReports | Show in Reports | 4 boolean | true/false | 11 |
tblWaterSamples | WsOvamID | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblWaterSamples | WsInExports | Include in Exports | 4 boolean | true/false | 11 |
tblObservations (tblWaterSampleMeasurements) | NIEUWE OBSERVATION MetingType: 99 | DE: Witterung nach KA5 NL: Weersomstandigheden EN: Weather conditions | 11 list | WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5 WT6 | 251 |
tblObservations (tblWaterSampleMeasurements) | NIEUWE OBSERVATION MetingType: 98 | DE: Standardspannung UB (mV) NL: Standaardspanning (mV) EN: Standard voltage (mV) | 6 float | ||
tblObservations (tblWaterSampleMeasurements) | NIEUWE OBSERVATION MetingType: 100 | NL: Grondwaterstand na voorpompen (cm-ref) EN: Groundwater level after prepump (cm -ref) | 6 float | ||
tblWaterSamples | WsUsedDevices | NL: Gebruikte apparaten EN: Used devices | tekst edit | ||
tblProjects | PrReportName | Report Name | string | ||
tblProjects | PrStartDate | Start Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrEndDate | End Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrConsultStartDate | Advice Start Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrConsultEndDate | Advice End Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrFieldworkStartDate | Fieldwork Start Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrFieldworkEndDate | Fieldwork End Date | 2 date | ||
tblProjects | PrGroundwaterFlowDirection | Groundwater Flow Direction (eenheid nakijken!) | 6 float | ||
tblProjects | PrGroundwaterDepth | Groundwater Depth (eenheid nakijken!) | 6 float | ||
tblProjects | PrOvamID | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblAnalysisSamples | AnSortOrder | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblAnalysisSamples | AnInReports | Show in Reports | 4 boolean | true/false | |
tblAnalysisSamples | AnOvamID | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
tblAnalysisSamples | AnInExports | Include in Exports | 4 boolean | true/false | |
tblJars | JrSampleHumidityCode | Sample Humidity/ Monstervochtigheid | 11 list | Volledig uitgedroogd, Uitgedroogd, Veldvochtig | 250 |
27 maart 2020:
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDescriptionQualityCode String(10) | Beschrijfkwaliteit | List (11) |
| 239 |
Additional BRO fields
Table DSField | Column DSField | Namefield in interface | Input type | Options | Code Category |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpVerticalPositioningMethodCode String(10) | Precisie hoogte | List (11) |
| 235 |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpStopCriterionCode String(10) | Reden boring gestopt | List (11)
| 236 |
tblJars | JrSamplingQualityCode String(10) | Bemonsteringskwaliteit | List (11) |
| 237 |
tblJars | JrMethodCode String(10) | Bemonsteringsmethode | List (11) |
| 125 / Old: 40
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDescriptionQualityCode String(10) | Beschrijfkwaliteit | List (11) |
| 239 |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpContinuouslySampledCode String(10) | Continu bemonsterd | List (11) |
| 73 / OLD: 26 |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDescriptionLocationCode String(10) | Beschrijflocatie | List (11) |
| 240 |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpDescribedMaterialCode String(10) | Beschreven materiaal | List (11) |
| 241 |
tblLayers | LaUpperBoundaryDeterminationCode String(10) | Laagovergang bovenkant | List (11) |
| 242 |
tblLayers | LaLowerBoundaryDeterminationCode String(10) | Laagovergang onderkant | List (11) |
| 242 |
tblLayers | LaAnthropogenicCode String(10) | Antropogeen | List (11) |
| 73 / OLD: 26 |
tblLayers | LaBeddingCode String(10) | Gelaagdheid | List (11) |
| 243 |
tblLayers | LaIsRootedCode String(10) | Beworteld | List (11) |
| 73 / OLD: 26 |
tblMeasurementPoint | MpCoordinatesTimestamp DateTime | Datum locatiebepaling | DateTimeEditor (13) | ||
tblMeasurementPoint | MpBroID Varchar(50) | BRO-ID | textEditor (1) |
| |
tblLayers | LaTensileStrengthCode String(10) | Treksterkte | Lijst (11) |
| 244 |
Additional ISO14688 fields
Table DSField | Column DSField | Namefield in interface | Input type | Options | Code Category |
Table DSField | Column DSField | Namefield in interface | Input type | Options | Code Category |
tblLayers | LaTextureTertiaryCode String(10) | Tertiar | List (11) |
| 226 |
tblLayers | LaTexturePlasticityCode String(10) | Plasticiteit | List (11) |
| 227 |
tblLayers | LaTextureGrainShapeCode String(10) | Korrelvorm | List (11) |
| 228 |
tblLayers | LaTextureFormCode String(10) | Vorm | List (11) |
| 229 |
tblLayers | LaTextureSurfaceCode String(10) | Oppervlakte | List (11) |
| 230 |
tblLayers | LaTextureParticleStrengthCode String(10) | Deeltjes Sterkte | List (11) |
| 231 |
tblLayers | LaRockShapeCode String(10) | Steenvorm | List (11) |
| 232 |
tblLayers | LaRockWeatheringCode String(10) | Steen Verwering | List (11) |
| 233 |