Glauconite sand(stone)

Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:18

Glauconite is a mineral existing within the mica-group


Glauconite is a mineral existing within the mica-group. This means that this mineral is a platy mineral which is very friable and has a very low weathering resistance. This mineral has a common blue-green color. This mineral is deposited in continental shelf marine depositional environments with slow rates of accumulation. Glauconite sand(stone) is also called green sand due to the presence of this mineral. Greensand forms in anoxic marine environments that are rich in organic detritus and low in sedimentary input. It could be fossil-rich due to the anoxic marine environment. It can be recognized very easily due to its green color and lithology.


Some factors on which it can be recognized:

  • The texture is clastic.
  • The clasts are visible with the naked eye and between 0.06 mm and 2 mm.
  • It is a medium hard rock with a toughness of 6-7.
  • Its color is green brownish.
  • Its clast compose of quartz or feldspar and glauconite is present.
  • It is rough to touch.

Glauconite sandstone


Glauconite sandstone


GroupClastic sedimentary rock
TextureCoarse grained
HardnessMedium hard
Colorgreen brownish
Mineralsfeldspar or quartz and glauconite
ImageGlauconite sandstone 