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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 9 The description of soil includes the level of detail of the description and whether or not the samples on which the description is based are or aren't of high quality. Moreover the described material, the description procedure and the description location are of high importance. These are all discussed below.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 13 = Described material =
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 15 The borehole profile can only contain layers that are described as soil or antropogenic material.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 17 = Quality of the soil description =
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 19 The purpose of this description is to confirm if the layering remained intact during transporting the soil out of the borehole called undisturbed sampling.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 21 == Geological standard: disturbed ==
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 23 The soil was described according to the requirements in SBB6:2020 for a standard geological description of disturbed drill samples.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 25 == Geological standard: undisturbed ==
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 27 The soil was described according to the requirements in SBB6:2020 for a standard geological description of undisturbed drill samples.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 29 == Geological extended: disturbed ==
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 31 The soil was described according to the requirements in SBB6:2020 for a comprehensive geological description of disturbed drill samples.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 33 == Geological extended: undisturbed ==
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 35 The soil was described according to the requirements in SBB6:2020 for a comprehensive geological description of undisturbed drill samples.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 37 = Description location =
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 39 In this category the location where the description of the soil took place are listed.
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 41 == Laboratory ==
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TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 43 The samples were described in a description room.
45 == Field ==
47 The samples were described in the field immediately after sample collection.
49 == Field laboratory ==
51 The samples were described in a container on board of a ship or a similar place, immediately after sample collection.
53 = Description procedure =
55 The description of soil must be done via the GDN_SBB6v2020 which is the Standard Drill description method 6 version 2020. This is a procedure for the description of soil that is established by the geological service of the Netherlands.
TerraIndex TerraIndex 1.1 57 = References =
TerraIndex TerraIndex 2.1 59 * BRO-Catalogus Geologisch booronderzoek versie 0.99 – 25 maart 2020
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