Wiki source code of Odor

Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:20

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9 Odor is a difficult concept to define in the field.
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13 = Odor =
15 Odor is a subjective interpretation of the situation, because for every person the smell can be different. Moreover the nose does not have enough receptors to define a complete summary of a sample. On top of that excludes the nose some smells that are toxic of presumably toxic to the body and exclude this smells from entering the nose.
17 To activate the smell of soils one can heat up the soil to reactivate the smell. Precaution needs to be taken, because by intensive use of the nose the smell can disappear again. Only in situations where the smell is distinctive or even annoying one can use this information in the results of the fieldwork. Odors can be classified via the following table.
19 == Main distinction ==
21 (% class="table-hover" %)
22 |=Chemical|=Mixed|=Suspicious|=Unknown|=Nothing
24 == Sub-categories ==
26 (% class="table-hover" %)
27 |=Category|=Subcategory
28 |(% rowspan="3" %)Camphor|Bitter
29 |Mothballs
30 |Acrid
31 |(% rowspan="2" %)Musk|Penetrating
32 |Pungent
33 |Ammonia|
34 |Smoke/ash|
35 |Sludge|
36 |Chlorine|
37 |Floral|
38 |(% rowspan="2" %)Peppermint|Sweet
39 |Minty
40 |(% rowspan="7" %)Ether|Paint
41 |Soap
42 |Thinner
43 |Pesticide
44 |Solvent
45 |Acetone
46 |Medicinal
47 |(% rowspan="4" %)Vinegar|Sharp
48 |Acetic
49 |Pungent
50 |Rancid
51 |(% rowspan="7" %)Putrid|Fertilizer
52 |Sour
53 |Rotten egg
54 |Rotten cabage
55 |Fishy
56 |Disagreeable, sweet
57 |Sulphurous
58 |(% rowspan="17" %)Hydrocarbon|Natural gas
59 |Aromatics
60 |Carbolineum
61 |Condensate
62 |Glycol
63 |Home heating oil
64 |Kerosene
65 |Mineral oil
66 |Motoroil
67 |Petroleum
68 |Oil fuel
69 |Organic
70 |Diesel
71 |Petrol
72 |Oil
73 |Asphalt
74 |Tar
76 = References =
78 * NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019
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85 **Contents**
87 {{toc/}}
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