
Last modified by TerraIndex TerraIndex on 2021/09/30 15:20

Soil consistency is the strength with which soil materials are held together or the resistance of soils to deformation and rupture. Soil consistency is measured for wet, moist and dry soil samples.


ClassIn the field
Extremely weakThe soil slips between the fingers when it is pressed in a hand.
Very weakA finger can be easily pressed up to 25 mm into the sample.
WeakA finger can be easily pressed up to 10 mm into the sample.
Moderately weakThe soil can be molded by light pressure
Moderately solidThe soil can't be molded with fingers, but can be hand rolled to strings with a thickness of 3 mm.
SolidThe thumb can easily press the soil.
Moderately hardThe thumb can leave a shallow imprint.
HardThe soil crumbles and breaks when rolled to string with a thickness of 3 mm.
Very hardWith the thumbnail a nick can be made into the sample.
FixedThe soil can't be reshaped, but crumbles under pressure.


  • NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019